Sunday, March 19, 2023



Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
FLOWThe flow rate or volume of fluid passing through a section.50 m³/s
FLOW_CLASSA classification of the flow rate.High
DEPTHThe depth of fluid in a section.5 meters
HGLThe hydraulic grade line or energy grade line for a section.10 meters
VELOCITYThe speed or velocity of fluid passing through a section.3 m/s
VOLUMEThe volume of fluid passing through a section over a given time.5000 m³
FROUDE_NUMThe Froude number, a dimensionless number used to describe the flow regime of a fluid.0.5
CAPACTY_DDThe capacity of a drainage or sewer system in dry weather conditions.100 m³/hour
SURCHGE_DDThe amount of surface water or stormwater runoff in dry weather conditions.10 m³/hour
VELOCDEPTHThe velocity of fluid at a given depth.2 m/s
TOP_WIDTHThe top width of a section.10 meters
MAX_VELOCThe maximum velocity of fluid passing through a section.5 m/s
MXFUL_FLOWThe maximum flow rate or volume of fluid that a section can handle.100 m³/s
MXFLOW_CLSA classification of the maximum flow rate or volume.Very High
MXFUL_DEPTThe maximum depth of fluid in a section.10 meters
MXTOP_WIDHThe maximum top width of a section.20 meters
RESERV_CAPThe reserve capacity of a drainage or sewer system.20%
FLOW_VOLThe volume of fluid passing through a section.10000 m³
OVER_FF_TMThe amount of time a section is in overland flow.2 hours
CAP_LTD_TMThe amount of time a section is at capacity.1 hour
UP_OFFSETThe offset or elevation difference between a section's upstream and downstream ends.5 meters
DN_OFFSETThe offset or elevation difference between a section's downstream and upstream ends.3 meters
LENGTHThe length of a section.100 meters
FRICTIONThe friction coefficient or friction factor for a section.0.02
SLOPEThe slope or gradient of a section.0.01
MAX_DEPTHThe maximum depth of fluid in a section.12 meters
FULL_FLOWThe flow rate or volume of fluid that fills a section to capacity.80 m³/s

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AI Rivers of Wisdom about ICM SWMM

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