Monday, February 12, 2018

How to turn on the option in InfoSWMM to show the SWMM5 RPT file output table for each node, link and Subcatchment

How to turn on the option in InfoSWMM to show the SWMM5 RPT file output table for each node, link and subcatcment; go to the Report Option dialog (1), turn of report all of report selection list (2) and in the output file you will get a time series of the node, link or subcatchment data for making time series (3).

Saturday, February 10, 2018

How to Compile Older SWMM 5 C Engines in Visual Studio 2012

As I move from one PC to another and want to go back  and recompile an earlier version of SWMM5 in a newer version of Visual Studio, I often have file issues.  Here is how I cope using the earlier version of SWMM 5 :
  1. Use Visual Studio 2012 and make a SWMM 5.1011 directory with two sub directories,  C and Delphi Code and the model files needed to run your networks,
  2. Copy the C and H files to the SWMM5 Sub folder  D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code from the SWMM5 engine zip folder
  3. Rename the vcxproj files so they correspond to the version of SWMM5,  SWMM55101_VC2012-DLL.vcxproj in the D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code\swmm51011_engine folder
  4. You should be able to compile the Debug or Release versions, the SWMM5.DLL  file will be made in the debug or release D:\SWMMandSoftware\SWMM5.1.011\SWMM5_Code\swmm51011_engine\Release  You can change this location later for testing.

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...