Saturday, October 31, 2015

29-30 أكتوبر عام 2015 | بيروت، لبنان التعليم الهندسي من أجل التنمية المستدامة

29-30 أكتوبر عام 2015 | بيروت، لبنان التعليم الهندسي من أجل التنمية المستدامة


29-30 أكتوبر عام 2015 | بيروت لبنان
التعليم الهندسي من أجل التنمية المستدامة

ويتم تنظيم هذا المؤتمر من قبل الاتحاد العالمي للمنظمات الهندسية - لجنة التربية والتعليم في الهندسة (WFEO-CEIE) بالتعاون مع اتحاد المهندسين اللبنانيين (FLE)، واتحاد المهندسين العرب (FAE)، والجمعية الأمريكية للتعليم الهندسي ( ASEE)، والجمعية الأمريكية للمهندسين المدنيين (ASCE).
موضوعات المؤتمر هي:
  • التعليم الهندسي، وقاعدة المعرفة السياسات ذات الصلة لتحقيق الاستدامة،
  • الابتكارات في مجال التعليم والبحث والتعلم،
  • التعليم على الاستدامة الهندسة، مع تركيز خاص على الآثار الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية،
  • البيئة والطاقة والاستدامة الهندسة الاجتماعية،
  • دعم التعليم المتعدد التخصصات والمتعدد التخصصات / التعلم البحوث العلمية،
  • تطوير البنية الإلكترونية والأجهزة البحوث اللازمة لتمكين الاستدامة في مجال الهندسة،
  • آثار الاعتماد على التعليم الهندسي للاستدامة،
  • الأنشطة المصاحبة للمناهج الدراسية لتعلم الاستدامة،
  • استراتيجيات فعالة لإشراك الطلاب في التعلم عن الاستدامة في مجال الهندسة،
  • الحواجز والتحديات، وللسائقين والجامعات لتصبح أكثر تركيزا الاستدامة،
  • الخبرات والدروس المستفادة من دمج الاستدامة في المناهج الهندسية،
  • التعليم من أجل التنمية المستدامة في الجامعات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط: التحديات والفرص وأفضل الممارسات،
  • مبادئ ومعايير الاستدامة في التعليم الهندسي،
  • الاستدامة والصناعة: الحواجز والتحديات وأفضل الممارسات،
  • المناهج الهندسية والاستدامة (المنهجية والبرامج، والأخلاق، وتطبيقات التعلم ...).
  • تعليم "مشروع المعماري" مع مرسى أساسي لمعايير "استدامة"،
  • التعليم العمارة المستدامة: التقاليد والاستراتيجيات التكنولوجية.

المتحدثين الضيوف:

الدكتور بول بولس  دكتوراه، Dist.M.ASCE، هو رئيس Innovyze، ابتكار العالمية الرائدة في مجال الأعمال التجارية تحليلات البرمجيات والتقنيات للبنية التحتية الرطب الذكية. وهو مجاز (من قبل سماحة) من الأكاديمية الأمريكية للمهندسين البيئة (AAEES)، شهادة البورد المهندسين البيئية (BCEEM)، وحصل على دبلوم وضع الفخري (Hon.D.WRE) من قبل الأكاديمية الأمريكية للمهندسين الموارد المائية(AAWRE ) وكذلك وضع دبلوم الكرام في هندسة الملاحة (Dist.D.NE) من قبل أكاديمية الساحلية، المحيط، الموانئ والملاحة المهندسين (ACOPNE)، بالجائزة الكبرى على حد سواء الأكاديميات. انتخب أيضا للأكاديمية الوطنية للهندسة (الدار)، وأعلى وسام المهنية الممنوحة للمهندس)

لا تعليقات:

29 – 30 October 2015 | Beirut, Lebanon Engineering Education for Sustainable Development


29 – 30 October 2015 | Beirut, Lebanon
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development

This Congress is organized by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations – Committee of Education in Engineering (WFEO-CEIE) in collaboration with the Federation of Lebanese Engineers (FLE), the Federation of Arab Engineers (FAE), the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The Congress themes are:
  • Engineering Education, and policy knowledge base relevant to sustainability,
  • Innovations in education and learning research,
  • Education on engineering sustainability, with particular emphasis on socioeconomic and environmental implications,
  • Environmental, energy and societal engineering sustainability,
  • Support for interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary education/learning science research,
  • Development of the cyber structure and research instrumentation needed to enable sustainability in engineering,
  • Effects of accreditation on engineering education for sustainability,
  • Co-curricular activities for learning sustainability,
  • Effective strategies for engaging students in learning about sustainability in engineering,
  • Barriers, Challenges, and Drivers for Universities to become more sustainability-focused,
  • Experiences and lessons learnt from embedding sustainability in engineering curricula,
  • Education for Sustainable Development at Universities in the MENA Region: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices,
  • Principles and Standards of sustainability in engineering education,
  • Sustainability and industry: Barriers, challenges and best practices,
  • Engineering curricula and sustainability (methodology, programs, ethics, learning applications…).
  • Teaching the “Architectural Project” with its fundamental anchorage to “sustainability” parameters,
  • Sustainable Architecture education : Traditions and Technological strategies.

Guest speakers:

Dr. Paul Boulos Ph.D., Dist.M.ASCE, is president of Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure. He is a Diplomate (by Eminence) of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEES), Board Certified Environmental Engineers (BCEEM), and was awarded Honorary Diplomate status (Hon.D.WRE) by the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) as well as Distinguished Diplomate status in Navigation Engineering (Dist.D.NE) by the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE), both academies’ top honors. He was also elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), the highest professional distinction accorded to an engineer)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Innovyze President Paul Boulos to Deliver Keynote Speech at 10th World Congress on Engineering Education October 29-30 in Beirut

Innovyze Press Release
 Insider BlogLinkedInTwitterYouTubeYouTube
Innovyze President Paul Boulos to Deliver Keynote Speech at 10th World Congress on Engineering Education October 29-30 in Beirut
Broomfield, Colorado, USA, October 23, 2015 — Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced that company president, COO and chief technical officer Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, will address engineering educators, educational officers at universities, and leaders responsible for establishing engineering educational policies worldwide at 10th World Congress on Engineering Education. Representing both the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Boulos’ keynote speech will present the guidelines and objectives of the new Raise the Bar strategic initiative for future entry into engineering practice at the professional level and its implications to engineering students and faculty both in the U.S. and signatory and potential signatory countries of the Washington Accord.

Organized by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, the Congress will be held at the Lancaster hotel in Beirut, Lebanon, on October 29-30, 2015. The Congress’ theme, “Engineering Education for Sustainable Development,” will bring together leading engineering education experts and engineering policy officials to discuss the latest innovations for improving engineering education and learning research and embedding (environmental, energy and societal engineering) sustainability in engineering curricula. Participants will also take the opportunity to share experiences, challenges faced, lessons learned and best practices.

“Although certain basics of engineering will not change in the future, the explosion of knowledge, the global economy, and the way engineers learn, work and innovate will reflect an ongoing evolution, and we must prepare well for this wave of change,” said Boulos. “Future civil engineers will need to master many newer fields such as sustainability, computer applications, advanced materials, nanotechnology, and more. The need to ‘Raise the Bar’ for future entry into engineering practice at the professional level has been articulated by the National Academy of Engineering, the National Society of Professional Engineers, the National Council of Examiners for Engineering & Surveying and ASCE. Raise the Bar aims to amend state laws to require either a master’s degree or equivalent for future licensure. It will align engineering education to a changing world and thereby ensure that future licensed professional engineers attain the body of knowledge necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.”

Boulos has made contributions to the engineering profession through his various leadership positions, including serving as president of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) and on the board of trustees of the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE). His dedication to scholarship is also reflected in his involvement with the board of trustees of the Lebanese American University and America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. (AMIDEAST) as well as published works which have been critical to the water and wastewater industry. Dr. Boulos’s engineering accomplishments have earned him awards for excellence from ASCE, the American Water Works Association and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, along with prestigious alumni awards from the University of Kentucky and the Lebanese American University. He holds Honorary Diplomate status in AAWRE as well as Distinguished Diplomate status in Navigation Engineering in ACOPNE, both Academies’ top honors. He was also elected Distinguished Member of ASCE, the highest honor conferred by the Society, and was named to the National Academy of Engineering, the highest professional distinction accorded to an engineer.

To learn more about the Congress, visit

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Innovyze President Named Distinguished Member of American Society of Civil Engineers

Media Advisory
Oct. 13, 2015
Contact: Olivia Wolfertz (703) 295.6472
Innovyze President Named Distinguished Member of American Society of Civil Engineers
Reston, Va.-- Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, NAE, Dist.M.ASCE, was recently named a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The Society’s highest accolade, to date only 659 of ASCE’s worldwide members have been elected to receive this honor since ASCE’s founding in 1852.
Boulos was recognized for being a global expert in the theory and practice of computational hydraulics simulation technology for water and wastewater infrastructure. He received the award at the ASCE Annual Convention in New York, N.Y., Oct. 11-14, 2015.
As founder, director, president, COO and chief technical officer of Innovyze, Boulos leads a team in delivering advanced, powerful and easy-to-use tools to water and wastewater engineering and management professionals. His programs have revolutionized the water infrastructure field and have now become an industry standard. They are being used in more than 8,000 cities and utilities in 60 countries and more than 1,000 engineering firms.
Boulos has also made contributions to the profession through his various leadership positions, including serving as president of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) and on the board of trustees of the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE). His dedication to scholarship is evident in his involvement with the board of trustees of the Lebanese American University and America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. (AMIDEAST) as well as his own written works which have been critical to the water and wastewater industry.
His accomplishments have earned him awards for excellence from ASCE, The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), along with prestigious alumni awards from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering and the Lebanese American University.
Boulos holds a bachelor’s and master's degree as well as a Ph.D in civil engineering from the University of Kentucky. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in general science from the Lebanese American University and an executive MBA from Harvard Business School.
Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 146,000 civil engineers worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. ASCE’s 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, graded America’s cumulative GPA for infrastructure at a D+. The Report Card app for Apple and Android devices includes videos, interactive maps and infographics that tell the story behind the grades, as well as key facts for all 50 states. For more information, visit www.asce

Watch Dr. Paul Boulos Election to the Grade of ASCE Distinguished Member, the Society's highest honor.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Steps in #INFOSWMM for Using and Saving Hot Start Files for Quasi Steady State Runs

Steps in #INFOSWMM for Using and Saving Hot Start Files for Quasi Steady State Runs

1. Two Scenario's to Save and then Use a Hot Start File 

2. Save and Use the Hot Start Files 

3. Graph the Depth and Flow of the Scenario that uses the Hot Start File, the depths and flows should be connstant 

4. You can see the time step values in the Attribute Browser 

5. Map Display Depth on the Map to see the flows and depths are steady

Steps in #INFOSWMM for Using and Saving Hot Start Files for Quasi Steady State Runs 

Innovyze Releases InfoWater Generation V12 With Advanced Pipe Break Break and Leakage Modeling

Innovyze Releases InfoWater Generation V12 With Advanced Pipe Break Break and Leakage Modeling

New Release Provides Mission-Critical Functionality For Proactive Management of Water Distribution Systems

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, October 13, 2015

In its ongoing quest to equip the global water industry with the world’s most powerful and comprehensive GIS-centric infrastructure modeling and management solutions, Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide availability of the V12 Generation of InfoWater for ArcGIS (Esri, Redlands, CA). The release forcefully exemplifies  Innovyze’s strong commitment to meeting the requirements of its user base and the increasing demands of the global water industry.

Globally, water demand is rising, aging water infrastructures are rapidly deteriorating, and the impact of water main breaks and leakage is relentless. In the U.S. alone, drinking water systems maintain more than two million miles of distribution mains with about 237,600 water main breaks occurring every year. An estimated seven billion gallons of clean drinking water are wasted every day — a staggering 2.6 trillion gallons annually.

With this new version, Innovyze has further refined the superb water supply and distribution modeling and analysis features that have helped make InfoWater a leading choice among the world’s top water utilities and engineering firms. The award-winning software has long been renowned for its extreme performance and comprehensive toolsets and extensions. Now by enabling users to explicitly model water main breaks (and leaks), they can develop effective leakage reduction and control and demand and maintenance management strategies to maximize the quantity of revenue-producing water, ensure hydraulic and water integrity, improve the quality of service, and conserve this precious resource. Breaks can be specified for any pipe in the network along with their location, size, and time of occurrence. Small breaks can also be automatically distributed at the two end nodes of a pipe. InfoWater will then compute and report the total water volume lost to breaks and leaks for any user-specified period. It will also report their impact on the hydraulic (e.g., flows, pressures, velocities, and fire-fighting capacity) and water quality (e.g., chlorine concentrations) integrity of the water distribution system.

Built atop ArcGIS, InfoWater seamlessly integrates sophisticated predictive analytics, systems dynamics and optimization functionality directly within the powerful ArcGIS setting. From fire flow and dynamic water quality simulations, valve criticality and energy cost analysis to pressure zone management and advanced Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm optimization, the suite comes equipped with everything water utility owner-operators need to best plan, design, operate, secure and sustain their distribution systems.

The software also serves as a base platform for advanced smart network modeling, operation, capital planning and asset management extensions. Among these critical applications are IWLive (real-time operations and security); InfoWater UDF (unidirectional flushing);CapPlan (risk-based capital planning); InfoMaster and InfoMaster Mobile (asset integrity management and condition assessment);InfoWater MSX (multi-species, temperature, and particle transport/deposition modeling); InfoWater BTX (event/particle backtracking);InfoSurge (surge/transient analysis); Sustainability (carbon footprint calculation); BalanceNet (real-time energy management and operations optimization); PressureWatch (real-time network hydraulic integrity monitoring); QualWatch (real-time network water quality integrity monitoring); SCADAWatch (real-time business intelligence and performance monitoring); DemandWatch (water demand forecasting); and DemandAnalyst (real-time water demand and diurnal pattern estimations).

These advancements propel the InfoWater family of solutions into the next generation, furthering Innovyze’s time-honored practice of continually adding critical value to its software and bringing unsurpassed modeling and design capabilities into the mainstream. The suite has the robustness and feature set needed to handle the most demanding analyses. Yet it’s intuitive enough for new users to master without a drawn-out learning curve, making it the ultimate GIS-centric decision support tool for water supply and distribution systems. Like all Innovyze products, InfoWater V12 is backed by unparalleled high-touch technical support. For an even faster return on investment, organizations may opt to call on Innovyze Implementation Services to accelerate deployment, integration and implementation of best modeling practices.

“At Innovyze, we give our customers the fast, accurate and reliable simulation they need to predict real-world water infrastructure performance,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, the company’s President, COO and Chief Technical Officer. “Our new release makes it easy for engineers to quickly analyze, design and operate increasingly large and complex water distribution networks and derive solutions that help them achieve their most critical business goals. Specifically, it will help them minimize economic losses, ensure safety and control environmental problems. Our superior smart water network modeling and management solutions suite provides water operators and engineers the ultimate decision support tool for optimal results.”

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Group Mind of Software Development, Software Support and Google/Bing @Innovye #SWMM5 #EPANET

I saw this article (from my email) from Business Insider about the "Group Mind"  Here is the very long link URL

Group mind

This idea that individuals prioritise where information is located has led some researchers topropose that digital devices and the internet have become a form of transactive memory. This idea, which dates back to the 1980s, refers to a group memory that is superior to that of any individual.
According to this account, individuals can collectively store and distribute information using a shared store of knowledge. This store of knowledge means that individuals can access details that they may not know themselves by knowing that another individual remembers it, thus enhancing what information is available to them by communicating with other people. In the same way, individuals develop a transactive memory with the internet and rely on it for information by focusing on where details are located rather than the details themselves.
More recent research has extended this line of work and found that saving information on a computer not only changes how our brains interact with it, but also makes it easier to learn new information. In a study published last year, the participants were presented with two files that each contained a list of words. They were asked to memorise both lists. Half of the participants were asked to save the first file before moving on to the next list, while the others had to close it without saving.
One of the many reasons to use software from Innovyze ( is that you get decades of programming experience, decades of product development, decades of product support across multiple platforms and multiple development histories.  We combine the best of  CDM Smith, EPA,  UF/OSU, XP-Solutions, Wallingford, MWH Soft, Innovyze, MicroDrainage and our own personal histories.  We also take pride in our social media presence.   I will admit that I also use Google a lot to find out what I said before on a particular subject!

Topic 📚Description 📝Emoji Illustration 🌟
Transactive Memory 💾A collective memory mechanism where individuals store and distribute information using a shared knowledge base. This concept extends to digital devices and the internet, allowing individuals to access details they may not know personally by knowing where to find them.💾🌐🤝
Enhanced Learning 🧠Research indicates that saving information on a computer alters how our brains interact with it and facilitates learning new information. This was demonstrated in a study where participants were better able to memorize a list of words when they saved it on a computer compared to when they didn't.🧠💻📚
Autodesk Innovyze Software Benefits 🛠️Utilizing software from Autodesk Innovyze leverages decades of programming experience, product development, and support across various platforms. It embodies the expertise from notable entities like CDM Smith, EPA, UF/OSU, XP-Solutions, Wallingford, MWH Soft, Innovyze, MicroDrainage, and more.🛠️⏳🔄
Social Media Presence 📱Autodesk Innovyze takes pride in its social media presence, providing additional platforms for information sharing and interaction.📱💬🌐

This updated table reflects the rebranding of Innovyze to Autodesk Innovyze, keeping the insights from the blog regarding the "Group Mind" concept and the benefits of utilizing Autodesk Innovyze software intact.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

#INFOSWMM Genetic Algorithm Suite Programs Calibrator and Designer

Components of #INFOSWMM from @Innovyze

Tweets - Components of #INFOSWMM from @Innovyze

  1. 8/ Components of from Managers of your Map and DB Data Bullet 8
  2. 7/ Components of from Map Table of Contents Map to DB Link for GIS or Bullet 7
  3. 6/ Components of from Message Box for User Information from Arc GIS or Bullet 6
  4. 5/ Components of from Tools for Adding New Map Features or Bullet 5
  5. 4/ Components of from Attribute Browser (AB) Map to DB Link or Bullet 4
  6. 3/ Components of from Spatial Analyst Components Bullet Three
  7. 2/ Components of from Genetic Algorithm Components Bullet Two
  8. 1/ Components of from Spatial Analyst Components Bullet One
  9. 1/ Components of from Spatial Analyst Components Bullet One

AI Rivers of Wisdom about ICM SWMM

Here's the text "Rivers of Wisdom" formatted with one sentence per line: [Verse 1] 🌊 Beneath the ancient oak, where shadows p...