Showing posts with label #SUSTAIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SUSTAIN. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

InfoSWMM Sustain Generation V2.0 Delivers Significant Advancements for Comprehensive Urban Stormwater Treatment and Analysis

InfoSWMM Sustain Generation V2.0 Delivers Significant Advancements for Comprehensive Urban Stormwater Treatment and Analysis

Latest Release Confirms Product’s Role as Industry Leading GIS-Centric Solution for Determining Optimal Green Infrastructure Strategies

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, April 12, 2016

Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced  worldwide availability of the V2.0 Generation of its industry-leading InfoSWMM Sustain for comprehensive urban stormwater treatment and analysis. The new version lets users quickly and reliably determine optimal green infrastructure strategies for reducing volume and peak flows to combined sewer systems as well as evaluating the benefits of distributed green infrastructure implementation on water quantity and quality in urban streams.

InfoSWMM Sustain is a comprehensive geocentric decision support system created to assist stormwater management professionals in developing and implementing plans for flow and pollution control measures to protect source waters and meet water quality goals. The software allows users to locate, develop, evaluate, and select optimal best management practice (BMP), low impact development (LID) and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) combinations at various watershed scales based on cost and effectiveness. It can accurately model any combination of LID controls, such as porous permeable pavement, rain gardens, green roofs, street planters, rain barrels, infiltration trenches and vegetative swales to determine their effectiveness in managing stormwater and combined sewer overflows. Furthermore, InfoSWMM Sustain will automatically assess the geographic properties in the study area including soil properties, land use, slope, building footprint, groundwater, land ownership, imperviousness and other pertinent factors to determine all possible locations of feasible green infrastructure alternatives. These expanded capabilities can greatly assist users in developing cost-effective and reliable implementation plans for flow and pollution control aimed at protecting source waters and meeting water quality goals. They do so by helping users answer key questions: How effective are BMPs in reducing runoff and pollutant loadings? What are the most cost-effective solutions for meeting water quality and quantity objectives? Where, what type, and how extensive should BMPs be?

By seamlessly integrating ArcGIS 10.x (Esri, Redlands, CA) with SWMM 5.1, InfoSWMM Sustain greatly expands and improves on the USEPA SUSTAIN software to provide critically needed support to watershed practitioners at all levels in developing stormwater management evaluations and cost optimizations to meet their program needs. The software can automatically import any SWMM 5.1, InfoSWMM or InfoWorks ICM (exported to SWMM 5.1) model, then evaluate numerous potential combinations of BMPs and LIDs to determine the optimal combination to meet specified objectives such as runoff volume or pollutant loading reductions. Both kinematic wave and full dynamic wave flow routing models are fully supported. Among its many vital applications, InfoSWMM Sustain can be effectively used in developing TMDL implementation plans, identifying management practices to achieve pollutant reductions under a separate municipal storm sewer system (MS4) stormwater permit, determining optimal green infrastructure strategies for reducing volume and peak flows to combined sewer systems, evaluating the benefits of distributed green infrastructure implementation on water quantity and quality in urban streams, and developing a phased BMP installation plan using cost effectiveness curves.

Among its many major enhancements, Version 2.0 lets users optimize the entire system (using advanced Genetic Algorithms), not only individual subcatchments. Users can also choose a system-wide budget constraint and reduction target for runoff and/or pollution, view LID design and performance directly from the Cost Effectiveness Curve, compare hydrographs for runoff and pollutant of the various solutions on the Cost Effectiveness Curve, implement any desired LID design solution in InfoSWMM, and display the optimal system-wide runoff/pollutant reduction. The new release also introduces an improved, more intuitive user interface that visually highlights and simplifies the workflow process. Users can now quickly evaluate complex decisions about green infrastructure selection and placement performance, costs for meeting flow or water quality targets, or both. The software gives them the power they need to maximize water quality benefits, minimize stormwater management costs and combined sewer overflows, and protect the environment and public health.

“With InfoSWMM Sustain, we are extending our success in the smart network modeling marketplace to address the specific needs of stormwater management professionals and their engineering consultants,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “The new release performs very sophisticated hydrologic and water quality modeling in watersheds and urban streams, and enables users to determine optimal management solutions at multiple-scale watersheds to achieve desired water quality objectives based on cost effectiveness. It also gives users the power tool they need to maximize water quality benefits, minimize stormwater management costs and combined sewer overflows, and protect the environment and public health. This is a must-have for predicting the environmental outcomes of different design and management approaches as well as developing optimal plans for flow and pollution control to protect source waters and meet water quality goals.”

Pricing and Availability 
Upgrade to InfoSWMM Sustain V2.0 is now available worldwide by subscription. Subscription members can immediately download the new version free of charge directly from The Innovyze Subscription Program is a friendly customer support and software maintenance program that ensures the longevity and usefulness of Innovyze products. It gives subscribers instant access to new functionality as it is developed, along with automatic software updates and upgrades. For the latest information on the Innovyze Subscription Program, visit or contact your local Innovyze Channel Partner.
About InnovyzeInnovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water/wastewater utilities, government agencies, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasian, East Asian and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. With unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate and sustain highly efficient and reliable infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit
Innovyze Contact:Rajan RayDirector of Marketing and Client Service Manager
+1 626-568-6868
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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

@INNOVYZE Smart network modeling for effective planning of sustainable urban areas

Smart network modeling for effective planning of sustainable urban areas.
Journal of the American Water Works Association, 107(12), December 2015.

Friday, November 20, 2015


This page has very good graphics on LID and SuDS
A urbanização provoca modificações no ciclo hidrológico, alterando suas parcelas e o balanço hídrico da bacia hidrográfica. A urbanização desordenada associada à falta de manejo e ao uso inadequado do solo provoca a redução da capacidade de armazenamento natural dos deflúvios, modificando os padrões de drenagem. A solução tradicionalmente adotada para a drenagem urbana visa o aumento da velocidade dos escoamentos com obras de canalização dos rios, o que acaba transferindo o problema para jusante e implica em continuadas intervenções localizadas após eventos de inundação. No entanto, uma abordagem mais atual, a chamada Drenagem Urbana Sustentável, busca soluções que proporcionam aretenção artificial das águas pluviais, a fim de compensar as perdas na retenção natural. A figura abaixo mostra a evolução da gestão da drenagem urbana ao longo dos anos, que no princípio tinha como objetivo apenas mitigar a ocorrência de cheias e que hoje objetiva também a melhoria da qualidade das águas drenadas, a restauração do regime de vazões, o aproveitamento das águas da chuva, entre outros.

triânguloevolução drenagem
A drenagem sustentável tem como focos principais:
  • respeitar o funcionamento natural da bacia hidrográfica;
  • minimizar os impactos da urbanização;
  • melhor controle sobre os riscos de inundações;
  • menor custo com readequações do sistema de drenagem (custos com “reinvestimentos”).
Os projetos de sistemas de drenagem sustentável buscam soluções para a drenagem evitando que os problemas sejam transferidos para áreas vizinhas, bem como a diminuição do impacto do empreendimento no sistema hídrico e garantia de sua sustentabilidade. Nas últimas décadas foram propostas diferentes abordagens nesta mesma temática, todas com um objetivo comum de resgatar as características naturais do ciclo hidrológico e proporcionando, ao mesmo tempo, ambientes mais agradáveis, como já apresentamos aqui no Blog em outros posts.
A seguir são apresentadas, resumidamente, as principais abordagens e as características de cada uma.
Melhores práticas de gestão – BMP (Best Management Practices)
É um conjunto planejado de ações implementadas na bacia, com o objetivo de atenuar os impactos da urbanização, buscando reduzir a quantidade de água lançada no corpo receptor através da infiltração, e também melhorias na qualidade dessas águas. Exemplos típicos de BMPs incluem dispositivos de detenção ou retenção, instalações de infiltração e wetlands. Um exemplo de projeto com o uso destas técnicas foi apresentado no post EXEMPLO DE BMP PARA CONTROLE DE INUNDAÇÕES – LOS ANGELES, CA. As BMPs atuam tanto com medidas estruturais quanto com medidas não estruturais.
Desenvolvimento de Baixo Impacto – LID (Low Impact Development)
Considera o problema de forma integrada, tentando resgatar as características naturais do ciclo hidrológico, enquanto agrega valor à própria cidade. Projetos com uso de LIDs são elaborados de forma a se criar uma “paisagem multifuncional” capaz de incorporar características de projeto que buscam simular as funções de infiltração e armazenamento da bacia pré-urbanizada. Essa técnica foi bem explicada no post CRIANDO CIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS. Abaixo são apresentadas as principais diferenças entre as práticas LID e as práticas convencionais.
Técnicas compensatórias
Buscam favorecer a retenção e infiltração das águas precipitadas, visando o rearranjo temporal das vazões e a diminuição do volume escoado, reduzindo a probabilidade de inundações e aumentando a qualidade das águas pluviais. Tem como princípio inicial: manter as mesmas vazões das condições de pré-urbanização, buscando compensar os impactos da urbanização por meio da redução do volume de escoamento superficial, das vazões de pico e consequente redução da vulnerabilidade das áreas urbanas a inundações. O post O IMPACTO DAS TÉCNICAS COMPENSATÓRIAS apresentou um projeto acadêmico que testou o uso dessas técnicas.
Para saber mais sobre as técnicas compensatórias leia o post 5 MANEIRAS SIMPLES DE MELHORAR O CONTROLE DAS ENCHENTES URBANAS.
Sustainable urban drainage systems – SUDS
Desenvolvidos para melhorar o desenho urbano e a gestão de riscos ambientais, assim como promover a melhoria do ambiente construído, buscando reduzir os escoamentos superficiais através de estruturas de controle da água pluvial em pequenas unidades. Inclui medidas não estruturais como layouts alternativos de estradas e prédios para minimizar a impermeabilização dos solo e maximizar seu uso.
Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
Como Osvaldo escreveu no post MANEJO DE ÁGUAS PLUVIAIS: QUEM ESTÁ INOVANDO NA ÁREA? , esse conceito “implica em inverter a lógica de adaptação dos sistemas hídricos às necessidades da cidade para uma abordagem de adaptação da cidade ao ciclo hidrológico, mitigando ao máximo os impactos da urbanização e aproveitando todo o potencial da água na paisagem e na vida urbana.”
Os princípios básicos são:
  • gestão integrada de água potável, águas residuais e águas pluviais;
  • integração da gestão das águas urbanas na escala individual do lote à escala regional;
  • integração da gestão sustentável das águas urbanas, arquitetura e paisagismo; e
  • integração das medidas estruturais e não-estruturais no manejo sustentável das águas urbanas.
Infraestrutura verde – GI (Green Infrastructure)
A infraestrutura verde coloca a conservação da biodiversidade num contexto político mais vasto, no qual os objetivos primários da conservação da natureza são alcançados em estreita harmonia com outros objetivos de uso do solo relacionados, por exemplo, com a agricultura, a silvicultura, o lazer e recreio e a adaptação às alterações climáticas. Intervenções urbanas que utilizam práticas da Infraestrutura Verde podem proporcionar maior infiltração da água e sua filtragem, bem como evapotranspiração e evaporação, reduzindo os efeitos de ilhas de calor e promovendo um melhor quadro climático na cidade. Além de atuar na gestão das águas pluviais também contribui na redução das enchentes e na melhoria da qualidade do ar. É o conceito mais amplo, dentre todos os apresentados.
O quadro abaixo, apresentado no artigo SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more – The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage, publicado no Urban Water Journal, apresenta as diferentes concepções de acordo com suas especificidades e foco principal.
Tudo junto
Para saber mais sobre drenagem sustentável leia os posts:

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Innovyze Releases InfoWater Generation V12 With Advanced Pipe Break Break and Leakage Modeling

Innovyze Releases InfoWater Generation V12 With Advanced Pipe Break Break and Leakage Modeling

New Release Provides Mission-Critical Functionality For Proactive Management of Water Distribution Systems

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, October 13, 2015

In its ongoing quest to equip the global water industry with the world’s most powerful and comprehensive GIS-centric infrastructure modeling and management solutions, Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the worldwide availability of the V12 Generation of InfoWater for ArcGIS (Esri, Redlands, CA). The release forcefully exemplifies  Innovyze’s strong commitment to meeting the requirements of its user base and the increasing demands of the global water industry.

Globally, water demand is rising, aging water infrastructures are rapidly deteriorating, and the impact of water main breaks and leakage is relentless. In the U.S. alone, drinking water systems maintain more than two million miles of distribution mains with about 237,600 water main breaks occurring every year. An estimated seven billion gallons of clean drinking water are wasted every day — a staggering 2.6 trillion gallons annually.

With this new version, Innovyze has further refined the superb water supply and distribution modeling and analysis features that have helped make InfoWater a leading choice among the world’s top water utilities and engineering firms. The award-winning software has long been renowned for its extreme performance and comprehensive toolsets and extensions. Now by enabling users to explicitly model water main breaks (and leaks), they can develop effective leakage reduction and control and demand and maintenance management strategies to maximize the quantity of revenue-producing water, ensure hydraulic and water integrity, improve the quality of service, and conserve this precious resource. Breaks can be specified for any pipe in the network along with their location, size, and time of occurrence. Small breaks can also be automatically distributed at the two end nodes of a pipe. InfoWater will then compute and report the total water volume lost to breaks and leaks for any user-specified period. It will also report their impact on the hydraulic (e.g., flows, pressures, velocities, and fire-fighting capacity) and water quality (e.g., chlorine concentrations) integrity of the water distribution system.

Built atop ArcGIS, InfoWater seamlessly integrates sophisticated predictive analytics, systems dynamics and optimization functionality directly within the powerful ArcGIS setting. From fire flow and dynamic water quality simulations, valve criticality and energy cost analysis to pressure zone management and advanced Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm optimization, the suite comes equipped with everything water utility owner-operators need to best plan, design, operate, secure and sustain their distribution systems.

The software also serves as a base platform for advanced smart network modeling, operation, capital planning and asset management extensions. Among these critical applications are IWLive (real-time operations and security); InfoWater UDF (unidirectional flushing);CapPlan (risk-based capital planning); InfoMaster and InfoMaster Mobile (asset integrity management and condition assessment);InfoWater MSX (multi-species, temperature, and particle transport/deposition modeling); InfoWater BTX (event/particle backtracking);InfoSurge (surge/transient analysis); Sustainability (carbon footprint calculation); BalanceNet (real-time energy management and operations optimization); PressureWatch (real-time network hydraulic integrity monitoring); QualWatch (real-time network water quality integrity monitoring); SCADAWatch (real-time business intelligence and performance monitoring); DemandWatch (water demand forecasting); and DemandAnalyst (real-time water demand and diurnal pattern estimations).

These advancements propel the InfoWater family of solutions into the next generation, furthering Innovyze’s time-honored practice of continually adding critical value to its software and bringing unsurpassed modeling and design capabilities into the mainstream. The suite has the robustness and feature set needed to handle the most demanding analyses. Yet it’s intuitive enough for new users to master without a drawn-out learning curve, making it the ultimate GIS-centric decision support tool for water supply and distribution systems. Like all Innovyze products, InfoWater V12 is backed by unparalleled high-touch technical support. For an even faster return on investment, organizations may opt to call on Innovyze Implementation Services to accelerate deployment, integration and implementation of best modeling practices.

“At Innovyze, we give our customers the fast, accurate and reliable simulation they need to predict real-world water infrastructure performance,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, the company’s President, COO and Chief Technical Officer. “Our new release makes it easy for engineers to quickly analyze, design and operate increasingly large and complex water distribution networks and derive solutions that help them achieve their most critical business goals. Specifically, it will help them minimize economic losses, ensure safety and control environmental problems. Our superior smart water network modeling and management solutions suite provides water operators and engineers the ultimate decision support tool for optimal results.”

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Components of #INFOSWMM from @Innovyze

Tweets - Components of #INFOSWMM from @Innovyze

  1. 8/ Components of from Managers of your Map and DB Data Bullet 8
  2. 7/ Components of from Map Table of Contents Map to DB Link for GIS or Bullet 7
  3. 6/ Components of from Message Box for User Information from Arc GIS or Bullet 6
  4. 5/ Components of from Tools for Adding New Map Features or Bullet 5
  5. 4/ Components of from Attribute Browser (AB) Map to DB Link or Bullet 4
  6. 3/ Components of from Spatial Analyst Components Bullet Three
  7. 2/ Components of from Genetic Algorithm Components Bullet Two
  8. 1/ Components of from Spatial Analyst Components Bullet One
  9. 1/ Components of from Spatial Analyst Components Bullet One

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...