Tuesday, March 21, 2023

RTK SWMM5 Import to ICM using ODIC


Object FieldsImport FieldsDefault Values
RTK hydrograph IDID
Response ratio R - short termRFVOL_EFF0.050
Time to peak T - short termPEAKTM11.000
Recession limb ratio K - short termRECESS12.000
Response ratio R - medium termRFVOL10.050
Time to peak T - medium termPEAKTM21.000
Recession limb ratio K - medium termRECESS22.000
Response ratio R - long termRFVOL20.050
Time to peak T - long termPEAKTM31.000
Recession limb ratio K - long termRECESS32.000
Max initial abstraction depth - short term
Initial abstraction recovery rate - short term
Initial abstraction depth - short term
Max initial abstraction depth - medium term
Initial abstraction recovery rate - medium term
Initial abstraction depth - medium term
Max initial abstraction depth - long term
Initial abstraction recovery rate - long term
Initial abstraction depth - long term

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