Sunday, March 19, 2023



Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
LENGTHThe length of a section.100 meters
MANNINGThe Manning roughness coefficient for a section.0.02
UP_DATAData associated with the upstream end of a section.10 meters
DN_DATAData associated with the downstream end of a section.5 meters
INIT_FLOWThe initial flow rate or volume of fluid passing through a section.50 m³/s
ENTRY_LOSSThe head loss or pressure loss at the entry of a section.2 meters
EXIT_LOSSThe head loss or pressure loss at the exit of a section.3 meters
AVG_LOSSThe average head loss or pressure loss for a section.2.5 meters
FLAP_GATEThe presence or absence of a flap gate in a section.Yes
SHAPE_TYPEThe shape or geometry of a section.Circular
GEOM1The first parameter or dimension associated with the section geometry.10 meters
GEOM2The second parameter or dimension associated with the section geometry.5 meters
GEOM3The third parameter or dimension associated with the section geometry.-
GEOM4The fourth parameter or dimension associated with the section geometry.-
BARREL_CNTThe number of barrels or pipes in a section.1
TRANSECTThe type of cross-sectional shape for a section.Transect
MAX_FLOWThe maximum flow rate or volume of fluid that a section can handle.100 m³/s
SHP_CURVEThe shape or profile of a section.Elliptical
FORCE_MAINThe presence or absence of a force main in a section.No
ROUGHNESSThe roughness coefficient or roughness factor for a section.0.03
CLVT_TYPEThe type of control valve used in a section.On or Off
V_ROUGH_THThe threshold velocity for the onset of turbulent flow in a section.1 m/s
V_ROUGHThe velocity of flow at which the roughness coefficient is measured.2 m/s
SPLS_RATEThe rate of splitting or branching of a fluid stream in a section.0.5

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