Sunday, March 19, 2023

InfoSewer WWELLOUT.DBF File in the IEDB Folder

 InfoSewer WWELLOUT.DBF File in the IEDB Folder

Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
LEVELThe name or label of the level.Normal Level
HEADThe hydraulic head or elevation of the level.10 meters
VOLUMEThe volume of water contained in the level.1000 cubic meters
PERCENTThe percentage of the level filled with water.80%
OVERFLOWThe name or label of the overflow mechanism or structure.Weir
RUN_ELEVThe elevation of the downstream conduit or channel.8 meters
RUN_MINLVLThe minimum water level required for flow to occur in the downstream conduit or channel.5 meters
RUN_MAXLVLThe maximum water level allowed in the downstream conduit or channel.9 meters

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