Sunday, March 19, 2023

InfoSewer TIME.DBF File in the IEDB Folder

 InfoSewer TIME.DBF File in the IEDB Folder

Column HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
DESCRIPTThe name or label of the storm event.10-Year Storm
DURThe duration of the storm event.1.5
DUR_UNITThe unit of measurement for the storm event duration.hours
PNSPThe point rainfall intensity for the storm event.3
PNSP_UNITThe unit of measurement for the point rainfall intensity.inches/hour
RPSPThe rainfall intensity for the storm event over a given return period.5
RPSP_UNITThe unit of measurement for the rainfall intensity over a given return period.inches/hour
PTSPThe total storm precipitation for the storm event.2.5
PTSP_UNITThe unit of measurement for the total storm precipitation.inches
UTSPThe uniform storm precipitation for the storm event.2.3
UTSP_UNITThe unit of measurement for the uniform storm precipitation.inches
PNSTThe point snowfall intensity for the storm event.0
PNST_UNITThe unit of measurement for the point snowfall intensity.inches/hour
RUNSTThe runoff depth for the storm event.1.8
RUNST_UNITThe unit of measurement for the runoff depth.inches
UPNSPThe upstream point rainfall intensity for the storm event.2.5
UPNSP_UNITThe unit of measurement for the upstream point rainfall intensity.inches/hour

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