Sunday, March 19, 2023

InfoSewer SCENARIO.DBF File in the IEDB Folder

 InfoSewer SCENARIO.DBF File in the IEDB Folder

olumn HeadingDescriptionExample
IDAn identification number or code for the data.001
DESCRIPTThe name or label of the item or feature.Pump Station 1
PARENTThe parent or higher-level object to which the item or feature belongs.Water Distribution System
FAC_TYPEThe type or category of the item or feature.Pump Station
QUERY_SETA set of queries or search criteria associated with the item or feature.All Pumps
USE_TIMEA flag indicating whether time-based data is used or not.Yes
TIME_SETA set of time parameters associated with the item or feature.24 Hour Period
USE_REPORTA flag indicating whether reports are generated or not.No
REPORT_SETA set of report parameters associated with the item or feature.None
USE_OPTIONA flag indicating whether user options are available or not.Yes
OPTION_SETA set of user options associated with the item or feature.Pump Speed Control
MH_SETA set of manhole parameters associated with the item or feature.None
WELL_SETA set of well parameters associated with the item or feature.None
PIPE_SETA set of pipe parameters associated with the item or feature.10-Inch Pipe
PUMP_SETA set of pump parameters associated with the item or feature.Pump 1
XLOAD_SETA set of external load parameters associated with the item or feature.None
PIDGN_SETA set of pipe design parameters associated with the item or feature.None
PISLT_SETA set of pipe installation parameters associated with the item or feature.None
CTRL_SETA set of control parameters associated with the item or feature.Pump Start/Stop
OPER_SETA set of operational parameters associated with the item or feature.None
PIII_SETA set of pipe inspection parameters associated with the item or feature.None

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