Sunday, July 28, 2013

This is how you use the batch file in SWMM 5 to make a Report

This is how you use the batch file in SWMM 5 to make a Report 
Step 1:  You make a bat file - here is a sample file that uses the swmm5.exe program 
swmm5.exe Example1.inp  D:\swmm5.0.021\bob.rpt

Step 2:  Set up the Report Data in the input file


Step 3:  Run the program 

Step 4:  Look at the RPT Output file for the node and link

  <<< Link 14 >>>
                             Flow  Velocity     Depth   Percent       TSS      Lead
  Date        Time            CFS    ft/sec      feet      Full      MG/L      UG/L
  JAN-01-1998 01:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.000       0.0     0.000     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 02:00:00      0.302     3.835     0.157      15.7    83.361    16.672
  JAN-01-1998 03:00:00      0.648     4.791     0.228      22.8    65.616    13.123
  JAN-01-1998 04:00:00      1.487     6.071     0.350      35.0    50.235    10.047
  JAN-01-1998 05:00:00      1.081     5.559     0.296      29.6    54.180    10.836
  JAN-01-1998 06:00:00      0.410     4.222     0.181      18.1    71.439    14.288
  JAN-01-1998 07:00:00      0.039     2.194     0.057       5.7   144.040    28.808
  JAN-01-1998 08:00:00      0.001     0.000     0.008       0.8     1.282     0.256
  JAN-01-1998 09:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.005       0.5     0.031     0.006
  JAN-01-1998 10:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.004       0.4     0.002     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 11:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.003       0.3     0.000     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 12:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.002       0.2     0.000     0.000
  JAN-01-1998 13:00:00      0.000     0.000     0.002       0.2     0.000     0.000

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AI Rivers of Wisdom about ICM SWMM

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