SWMM 5.1.008 (04/02/2015) New Features
1. Monthly adjustments for hydraulic conductivity used for
rainfall infiltration and for exfiltration from storage
nodes and conduits was added.
This was added to the Monthly Adjustments Table
// Data formats are:
// TEMPERATURE v1 ... v12
// EVAPORATION v1 ... v12
// RAINFALL v1 ... v12
// CONDUCTIVITY v1 ... v12

2. LID drains can now send their outflow to a different node
or subcatchment than the parent subcatchment in which they
were placed.
drainSubcatch; // subcatchment receiving drain flow //(5.1.008)
drainNode; // node receiving drain flow //(5.1.008)
3. Conveyance system Outfall nodes now have the option to
send their outflow onto a subcatchment, to simulate
irrigation or complex LID treatment options.
// --- add outfall's flow to subcatchment as runon and re-set routed
// flow volume to 0
subcatch_addRunonFlow(k, Outfall[i].vRouted/tStep);
massbal_updateRunoffTotals(RUNOFF_RUNON, Outfall[i].vRouted);
Outfall[i].vRouted = 0.0;
4. A new LID practice, Rooftop Disconnection, has been added.
It allows one to explicitly model roof runoff with an
optional limit on the flow capacity of their downspouts.
Disconnection is specified by setting the Return To Pervious
Area field in the [LID_USAGE] section to 1.
8 Types of LID's In SWMM 5,1.008
5. An optional soil layer has been added to Permeable Pavement or Porous Pavment LID's so that a sand filter or bedding layer beneath the
pavement can be modeled.
LID Layers in SWMM 5,1,008 |
6. Several new built-in variable names can now be used in
custom groundwater flow equations for porosity, unsaturated
hydraulic conductivity, infiltration rate, and percolation
rate. See the Help file for more details.
GWvariables {
gwvHGW, // water table height (ft)
gwvHSW, // surface water height (ft)
gwvHCB, // channel bottom height (ft) //(5.1.007)
gwvHGS, // ground surface height (ft) //(5.1.007)
gwvKS, // sat. hyd. condutivity (ft/s) //(5.1.007)
gwvTHETA, // upper zone moisture content //(5.1.008)
gwvK, // unsat. hyd. conductivity (ft/s) //(5.1.008)
gwvPHI, // soil porosity //(5.1.008)
gwvFI, // surface infiltration (ft/s) //(5.1.008)
gwvFU, // soil percolation (ft/s) //(5.1.008)
gwvA, // subcatchment area (ft2) //(5.1.008)
7. A Groundwater Summary table has been added that reports
several groundwater statistics for each subcatchment.
"\n Total Total Maximum Average Average Final Final"
"\n Total Total Lower Lateral Lateral Upper Water Upper Water"
"\n Infil Evap Seepage Outflow Outflow Moist. Table Moist. Table");
8. A new option, the Minimum Variable Time Step, was added that
limits the smallest time step that can be computed under
variable time stepping for dynamic wave flow routing. In
previous releases it was fixed at 0.5 seconds which remains
the default. The smallest value it can now have is 0.001 sec.

9. The dynamic wave routing procedure was parallelized to take
advantage of multiple processors, making it run several times
faster. A new option, THREADS, sets the number of parallel
threads to use, where the default is 1.
10. A new column was added to the Node Depth Summary report table
that shows the maximum depth recorded at the Reporting Time Step
so it can be compared to the maximum depth attained over all
routing time steps also shown in the table.
"\n Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Reported"
"\n Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Max Depth");
11. Control rule premises can now contain conditions that compare
the values of a node or link variable at two different locations
(e.g. IF NODE 123 HEAD and NODE 456 HEAD) and node volume was
added as a condition clause variable.
// - Support added for r.h.s. variables in rule premises.
// - Node volume added as a premise variable.
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