Sunday, November 25, 2012

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map Atrribute Display

by dickinsonre
Siphon Modeling in InfoSewer and Arc Map

Here is a typical view of  a siphon in InfoSewer, the rising links have a d/D of 1 and the dropping links typically have a d/D value less than 1.  The q/Q for the rising links is based on the slope and the dropping links typically have a q/Q less than 1 as the full flow is high due to the steep slopes.  You can show both the d/D and q/Q values in an Arc Map Display by using the following code.  I find it easier to first plot one variable using the InfoSewer Map Display followed by editing the TOC Properties for Pipes to show more than one variable at a time in the Label properties.

Function FindLabel ([D_OVER_D],  [Q_OVER_Q] )
If IsNull([D_OVER_D]) then Exit Function
FindLabel ="" &  FormatNumber([D_OVER_D],3) & "  d/D "  & "" &  FormatNumber([Q_OVER_Q],3) & " q/Q"
End Function

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