Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Annual International Conference on modeling urban water systems, Feb 21-22 2013 in Toronto - call for papers

Annual International Conference on modeling urban water systems, Feb 21-22 2013 in Toronto - call for papers

My note, this is a conference well worth attending, the Convenor is Dr Bill James and the venue is described at the CHIWater link shown below.

Once again it's the time to request one or more abstracts for the Annual International Conference on the Modeling of Urban Water Systems (formerly SWMM users meeting), to be held Feb 21-22 2013 in Toronto (note the venue). As you probably know, this is the 46th (!) meeting in this extraordinary series. This year our featured speakers include many well-known scientists, researchers and engineers (listed on our website).
The meeting is well attended: your audience exceeds 100 folks in your specialty. Also, the meeting is inexpensive, highly-regarded, professional, friendly and collaborative. Proceedings are produced as a peer-reviewed, integrated archival-quality book (you get the previous year's monograph at this conference, two-for-one value). The conference addresses all aspects of urban water systems, including planning, design, construction, operation, monitoring, models, safety, and security; how to manage urban water systems including water supply, drainage, pollution control, domestic, municipal, and industrial waters and stormwater from surface water catchments or ground water; and real-time control along with education, outreach, and practical applications. We welcome abstracts in any and all of the following general categories:; LIDs and BMPs; TMDLs; Urban water disasters, Urban flood management, Land Use; Nonpoint Sources of Pollution; Pavement; Pathogens; Stormwater and Urban drainage; Potable Water Supplies; Water distribution; Water System utilities; and other management and socio-political issues. Although the discussion is generally technical, it meshes well with management and difficult topics connected to urban water and related to computer modeling. Please visit:

Please email your 1-page abstract(s) to me in the next week or so. Alternatively, if you need a more formal invitation or a flyer, let me know.  We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues in Toronto - you won't get a better deal in these economically-challenged times!

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