Monday, January 9, 2017

#LID Defaults from the EPA SWC

#LID Defaults from the EPA SWC

The following defaults are from the EPA Stormwater Calculator

A few of these parameters such as the capture ratio are not parameters in InfoSWMM Sustain

There are some additional points to keep in mind when applying LID controls to a site:
1.      The area devoted to Disconnection, Rain Gardens, and Infiltration Basins is assumed to come from the site’s collective amount of pervious land cover while the area occupied by Green Roofs, Street Planters and Porous Pavement comes from the site’s store of impervious area.

2.      Underdrains (slotted pipes placed in the gravel beds of Street Planter and Porous Pavement areas to prevent the unit from flooding) are not provided for. However since underdrains are typically oversized and placed at the top of the unit’s gravel bed, the effect on the amount of excess runoff flow bypassed by the unit is the same whether it flows out of the underdrain or simply runs off of a flooded surface.
3.      The amount of void space in the soil, gravel, and pavement used in the LID controls are listed in Table 4 below. They typically have a narrow range of acceptable values and results are not terribly sensitive to variations within this range.

Table 3. Editable LID parameters.

LID Type
Default Value
Capture Ratio
100 %
Rain Harvesting
Cistern Size
100 gal
Cistern Emptying Rate
50 gal/day
Number of Cisterns
4 per 1,000 sq ft
Rain Gardens
Capture Ratio
5 %
Ponding Depth
6 inches
Soil Media Thickness
12 inches
Soil Media Conductivity
10 inches/hour
Green Roofs
Soil Media Thickness
4 inches
Soil Media Conductivity
10 inches/hour
Street Planters
Capture Ratio
6 %
Ponding Depth
6 inches
Soil Media Thickness
18 inches
Soil Media Conductivity
10 inches/hour
Gravel Bed Thickness
12 inches
Infiltration Basins
Capture Ratio
5 %
Basin Depth
6 inches
Porous Pavement
Capture Ratio
100 %
Pavement Thickness
4 inches
Gravel Bed Thickness
18 inches

Table 4. Void space values of LID media.

LID Controls
Default Value
Soil Media Porosity
Rain Gardens, Green Roofs and Street Planters
45 %
Gravel Bed Void Ratio
Street Planters and Porous Pavement
75 %
Pavement Void Ratio
Porous Pavement
12 %

Flow Routing in InfoSWMM and Innovyze SWMM Products

Flow Routing
Flow routing within a conduit link in InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM InfoSWMM SA  is governed by the conservation of mass and momentum equations for gradually varied, unsteady flow (i.e., the Saint Venant flow equations). The  InfoSWMM H2OMap SWMM InfoSWMM SA  user has a choice on the level of sophistication used to solve these equations:
          1. Steady Flow Routing
          2. Kinematic Wave Routing 
          3. Dynamic Wave Routing
Steady Flow Routing

Steady Flow routing represents the simplest type of routing possible (actually no routing) by assuming that within each computational time step flow is uniform and steady. Thus it simply translates inflow hydrographs at the upstream end of the conduit to the downstream end, with no delay or change in shape. The Manning equation is used to relate flow rate to flow area (or depth).

This type of routing cannot account for channel storage, backwater effects, entrance/exit losses, flow reversal or pressurized flow. It can only be used with dendritic conveyance networks, where each node has only a single outflow link (unless the node is a divider in which case two outflow links are required). This form of routing is insensitive to the time step employed and is really only appropriate for preliminary analysis using long-term continuous simulations.

Kinematic Wave Routing

This routing method solves the continuity equation along with a simplified form of the momentum equation in each conduit. The latter requires that the slope of the water surface equal the slope of the conduit.
The maximum flow that can be conveyed through a conduit is the full-flow Manning equation value. Any flow in excess of this entering the inlet node is either lost from the system or can pond atop the inlet node and be re-introduced into the conduit as capacity becomes available.

Kinematic wave routing allows flow and area to vary both spatially and temporally within a conduit. This can result in attenuated and delayed outflow hydrographs as inflow is routed through the channel. However this form of routing cannot account for backwater effects, entrance/exit losses, flow reversal, or pressurized flow, and is also restricted to dendritic network layouts. It can usually maintain numerical stability with moderately large time steps, on the order of 5 to 15 minutes. If the aforementioned effects are not expected to be significant then this alternative can be an accurate and efficient routing method, especially for long-term simulations.
Dynamic Wave Routing

Dynamic Wave routing solves the complete one-dimensional Saint Venant flow equations and therefore produces the most theoretically accurate results. These equations consist of the continuity and momentum equations for conduits and a volume continuity equation at nodes.

With this form of routing it is possible to represent pressurized flow when a closed conduit becomes full, such that flows can exceed the full-flow Manning equation value. Flooding occurs when the water depth at a node exceeds the maximum available depth, and the excess flow is either lost from the system or can pond atop the node and re-enter the drainage system.

Dynamic wave routing can account for channel storage, backwater, entrance/exit losses, flow reversal, and pressurized flow. Because it couples together the solution for both water levels at nodes and flow in conduits it can be applied to any general network layout, even those containing multiple downstream diversions and loops. It is the method of choice for systems subjected to significant backwater effects due to downstream flow restrictions and with flow regulation via weirs and orifices. This generality comes at a price of having to use much smaller time steps, on the order of a minute or less (InfoSWMM will automatically reduce the user-defined maximum time step as needed to maintain numerical stability).

Surface Ponding
Normally in flow routing, when the flow into a junction exceeds the capacity of the system to transport it further downstream, the excess volume overflows the system and is lost. An option exists to have instead the excess volume be stored atop the junction, in a ponded fashion, and be reintroduced into the system as capacity permits. Under Steady and Kinematic Wave flow routing, the ponded water is stored simply as an excess volume. For Dynamic Wave routing, which is influenced by the water depths maintained at nodes, the excess volume is assumed to pond over the node with a constant surface area. This amount of surface area is an input parameter supplied for the junction.

Alternatively, the user may wish to represent the surface overflow system explicitly. In open channel systems this can include road overflows at bridges or culvert crossings as well as additional floodplain storage areas. In closed conduit systems, surface overflows may be conveyed down streets, alleys, or other surface routes to the next available stormwater inlet or open channel. Overflows may also be impounded in surface depressions such as parking lots, back yards or other areas.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

SWMMLive Manager in Innovyze #SWMM5 Products

SWMMLive Manager

The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager is the single utility in InfoSWMM SA to manage all interactions between InfoSWMM SA models and SWMMLive model data exchange.  It exports the active InfoSWMM SA scenario as the baseline model to SWMMLive.  It allows extension of selected InfoSWMM SA scenarios as additional supporting model data to SWMMLive for scenario switching.  It also accepts an exported SWMMLive model for detailed diagnosis run in InfoSWMM SA, supported with all the familiar InfoSWMM SA utilities.
InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager is accessed from the AddOn Extension Manager via its toolbar button or from the Tools menu (Tools -> AddOn Extension Manager).
The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager User Interface is shown below.
The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager main dialog box has three tabs: Export Model to SWMMLive, Extend Scenario Data to SWMMLive, and Diagnose SWMMLive Model.  All model exchanges between InfoSWMM SA and SWMMLive are made through model definition files with extension inp.
<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Export Model to SWMMLive - Exports the active InfoSWMM SA model for SWMMLive (InfoSWMM SA) to create a baseline model.  All essential information about the active InfoSWMM SA model is exported into the given inp file.  If current InfoSWMM SA model contains scenario data, this option can be used in conjunction with selected scenarios to export scenario based models with overriding operational scenario data.  All scenario based model inp files will be exported to their respective scenario sub-folders under the baseline model path.
<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Extend Scenario Data to SWMMLive - Exports additional InfoSWMM SA scenario models based on a provided SWMMLive baseline model.  The operational data from the selected scenarios will be merged into the given SWMMLive reference model to form different scenario models, to be used in SWMMLive.  All scenario based model inp files will be exported to their respective sub-folders under the given baseline model path.
<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Diagnose SWMMLive Model - Diagnoses a given SWMMLive model using the full utilities available from InfoSWMM SA.  The given SWMMLive model is imported into InfoSWMM SA for any diagnosis analysis in InfoSWMM SA.

Export Model to SWMMLive

In the box of Export Model File to SWMMLive, a inp file is specified for InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager to store the InfoSWMM SA model information. 
 Browse for a folder location and specify a inp file name.
If the InfoSWMM SA model is blank, SWMMLive Manager will not export.  Otherwise, SWMMLive Manager exports the active scenario as the baseline model to SWMMLive.   

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How to show Curve RTC Rules in #SWMM5 in the Control Actions Taken Section

#SWMM5 has very flexible control rules.  The rules are shown in the controls.c code.  However, one aspect I did not know was that if a rule is based on a control curve the RPT logging of the control actions is not shown.  You  can change by changing and compiling the code.  You will need to get rid of the half rule
  && a1->curve < 0                      so that the changing of the target setting is logged – see below for a snippet of the code.

Here is a sample curve tool

Priority 3

And here is the control action log in the RPT file – it helps to see this log and verify the rules

  Control Actions Taken
   01/01/2013: 00:00:00 Link Gbp1 setting changed to   0.00 by Control MC1
   01/01/2013: 00:00:01 Link Gbp1 setting changed to   0.00 by Control MC1
   01/01/2013: 00:00:11 Link Gbp1 setting changed to   0.01 by Control MC1
   01/01/2013: 00:00:21 Link Gbp1 setting changed to   0.01 by Control MC1

    listItem = ActionList;
    while ( listItem )
        a1 = listItem->action;
        if ( !a1 ) break;
        if ( a1->link >= 0 )
            if ( Link[a1->link].targetSetting != a1->value )
                Link[a1->link].targetSetting = a1->value;
                //if ( RptFlags.controls && a1->curve < 0                     //(5.1.011) Original Rule
                if ( RptFlags.controls                                        //(5.1.011) New rule
                    && a1->tseries < 0 && a1->attribute != r_PID )            //(5.1.011)
                    report_writeControlAction(currentTime, Link[a1->link].ID,
                                              a1->value, Rules[a1->rule].ID);

Monday, November 21, 2016

SWMM and SWMM 5 History from Past Wikipedia SWMM5 pages

SWMM and SWMM 5 History from Past Wikipedia SWMM5 pages – added by me as someone keeps editing the Wikipedia page and getting rid of this table.  Figure 1 is the past Wikipedia page and Figure 2 is the connection between SWMM5 and Innovyze’s InfoSWMM.  Current information can be found here

Figure 1 - Past Wikipedia Table for SWMM and SWMM5.

Figure 2 - SWMM5 and InfoSWMM Versions

Sunday, October 23, 2016

How to Use Scatter Plots in the DB Output tables of #InfoSWMM for d/D and q/Q

Harness the power of visualization with scatter plots in the DB Output tables of #InfoSWMM—a dynamic feature that brings the extensive data from SWMM5 output tables to life. 🌟📊

In InfoSWMM, you're not just reading numbers; you're witnessing the maximum link values dance across the Conduit Summary Table. With a simple right-click, a world of statistical analysis unfolds before you, offering plots, frequency graphs, histograms, and the coveted scatter graphs for any selected column. 🖱️💡

Dive Into the Data: Engage in a visual dialogue with your model by selecting two columns and crafting a scatter plot that tells a story. A plot of particular interest? The relationship between d/D, the depth-to-diameter ratio (capacity) of the pipe, and q/Qfull, the flow rate to full capacity flow rate. 📈🔍

Why Does It Matter? Qfull is calculated based on the full pipe depth, area, and hydraulic radius, all derived from the bed slope. Given that InfoSWMM, SWMM5 employ the robust St. Venant equations, you might observe q/Qfull ratios exceeding 1, even when d/D is below 1—a testament to the detailed physics captured by the models. 🌊🔢

Reference Material: For those thirsty for more knowledge, a treasure trove of St. Venant solutions within SWMM5 awaits in our comprehensive blogs. Each post serves as a beacon, guiding you through the intricacies of hydraulic modeling. 📚✨

Embrace these tools to transform data points into a narrative, charting the course of your wastewater management journey with precision and clarity. 🛠️🌐🚀

Figure 1 - How to Use Scatter Plots in the DB Output tables of #InfoSWMM for d/D and q/Q

Update for [USEPA/SWMM-EPANET_User_Interface] MTP 3

Just a note about the great work being done on the new EPANET and SWMM 5 QGIS interface.
This is the third Minimum Testable Product, released for testing of specific functionality.
This is not a fully functional product and is not suitable for production use.

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.
View it on GitHub 

Friday, October 21, 2016

InfoSWMM, InfoSewer and InfoWater from Innovyze connection between your model data and your GIS data

One of the great features about InfoSWMM, InfoSewer and InfoWater from Innovyze is the intimate connection between your model data and your GIS data. It is important for this to work correctly that you use the correct spatial reference. Innovyze has many tools for changing the spatial reference:

1. Arc GIS TOC

2. Arc Toolbox projection tools

3. Innovyze tools for changing the spatial reference

4. Innovyze tools for margining spatial reference

5. GIS background maps from ESRI

6. Google Earth and Google Maps connections

A great twitter header image from our @Innovyze Channel Partners in Spain @sp_infoworks

Thursday, October 20, 2016

RDII Analyst, SWMM5 and ICM SE - Diagram of R, T and K parameters for RDII

RDII Analyst, SWMM5 and ICM SE - Diagram of R, T and K parameters for RDII.  RDII Analyst in H2OMap SWMM and #InfoSWMM can export using the SWMM5 Export Exchange tool SWMM5 files with calibrated RTK parameters for #SWMM5 and #InfoWorks_ICM

How to Use Arc Map Selection to add to Domains in #InfoSewer and #InfoSWMM

How to Use Arc Map Selection to add to Domains in #InfoSewer and #InfoSWMM:
  1. Use the Arc Map Selection Tools
  2. Select a layer of Nodes or Links in Arc Map
  3. Add your elements to the Arc Map Selection and finally
  4. Add the selected elements from Arc Map to the InfoSewer Domain (Bullet 4)

How to Use Arc Map Selection to add to Domains in #InfoSewer and #InfoSWMM

Sunday, October 16, 2016

More St Venant Equations in #SWMM5

This blog shows the relationship between the terms dq1, dq2, dq3 and dq4 in the SWMM5 code and the St. Venant Partial Differential Equations.

dq2 = Time Step * Area wtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) / Link Length or

dq2 = Time Step * Area wtd * (HGL) / Link Length Qnew = (Qold – dq2 + dq3 + dq4) / ( 1 + dq1) when the force main is full dq3 and dq4 are zero and

Qnew = (Qold – dq2) / ( 1 + dq1) The dq4 term in dynamic.c uses the area upstream (a1) and area downstream (a2), the midpoint velocity, the sigma factor (a function of the link Froude number), the link length and the time step or

dq4 = Time Step * Velocity * Velocity * (a2 – a1) / Link Length * Sigma the dq3 term in dynamic.c uses the current midpoint area (a function of the midpoint depth), the sigma factor and the midpoint velocity

dq3 = 2 * Velocity * ( Amid(current iteration) – Amid (last time step) * Sigma

dq1 = Time Step * RoughFactor / Rwtd^1.333 * |Velocity| The weighted area (Awtd) is used in the dq2 term of the St. Venant equation:

dq2 = Time Step * Awtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) / Link Length

In this blog we show how the St Venant terms are used in SWMM5 as equations, table, graphs and units. We use a QA/QC version of SWMM 5 that lists many more link, node, system and Subcatchment variables than the default SWMM 5 GUI and engine. This also applies to #InfoSWMM and any software the uses the #SWMM5 engine.  
SWMM5 is using is the most advanced equations as it takes into consideration the full dynamic (St. Venant) equations and not the more simplified kinematic wave / manning equations. The manning equation only considers the uniform flow conditions which represents a situation where the gravitational force on a column of water (due to the channel slope) balances out the frictional force. The full dynamic equations contains additional factors that affect the movement of water in a conduit or channel. These include the pressure force due to variation of depth along the length of the channel and the inertial (or convective acceleration) effect due to variation of flow area along the channel length. Because of these additional terms the flow/head relation you have in uniform flow conditions can be completely different according to the configuration of his network.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Hydraulic Jump and Froude # in #SWMM5

In this blog we example the Froude Number values computed in SWMM5 as equations, table, graphs and units. We use a QA/QC version of SWMM 5 that lists many more link, node, system and Subcatchment variables than the default SWMM 5 GUI and engine. This blog also applies to #InfoSWMM and any software the uses the #SWMM5 engine.  SWMM 5 computes only one flow in the middle of the link but it uses depth, head, cross sectional area and hydraulic radius at the upstream, midpoint and downstream points of the link (Figure 1).  The Froude # is computed at all three points and if you could see the Froude # you will see a jump at times in a single link (Figure 2).

Figure 1.  Computational points in #SWMM5
Figure 2.  Three locations of the Froude Number - it is possible to see where the Hydraulic Jump occurs in the link.

Horton Animation of Infiltration in #SWMMM5 and #INFOSWMM


In this blog we look at GIF of how Horton Infiltration works in #SWMM5 and #InfoSWMM and any other GUI that uses the SWMM5 Engine.

#SWMM5 1-D St Venant Equation Terms


In this blog we show how the St Venant terms are used in SWMM5 as equations, table, graphs and units. We use a QA/QC version of SWMM 5 that lists many more link, node, system and Subcatchment variables than the default SWMM 5 GUI and engine. This also applies to #InfoSWMM and any software the uses the #SWMM5 engine.
SWMM5 is using is the most advanced equations as it takes into consideration the full dynamic (St. Venant) equations and not the more simplified kinematic wave / manning equations. The manning equation only considers the uniform flow conditions which represents a situation where the gravitational force on a column of water (due to the channel slope) balances out the frictional force. The full dynamic equations contains additional factors that affect the movement of water in a conduit or channel. These include the pressure force due to variation of depth along the length of the channel and the inertial (or convective acceleration) effect due to variation of flow area along the channel length. Because of these additional terms the flow/head relation you have in uniform flow conditions can be completely different according to the configuration of his network.

How are the St Venant Terms used in SWMM5?

Figure 1 shows the terms and Figure 2  and Figure 3 shows the terms in a SWMM5 table and SWMM5 graph. 

dq2 = Time Step * Area wtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) / Link Length or

dq2 = Time Step * Area wtd * (HGL) / Link Length Qnew = (Qold – dq2 + dq3 + dq4) / ( 1 + dq1) when the force main is full dq3 and dq4 are zero and

Qnew = (Qold – dq2) / ( 1 + dq1) The dq4 term in dynamic.c uses the area upstream (a1) and area downstream (a2), the midpoint velocity, the sigma factor (a function of the link Froude number), the link length and the time step or

dq4 = Time Step * Velocity * Velocity * (a2 – a1) / Link Length * Sigma the dq3 term in dynamic.c uses the current midpoint area (a function of the midpoint depth), the sigma factor and the midpoint velocity

dq3 = 2 * Velocity * ( Amid(current iteration) – Amid (last time step) * Sigma

dq1 = Time Step * RoughFactor / Rwtd^1.333 * |Velocity| The weighted area (Awtd) is used in the dq2 term of the St. Venant equation:

dq2 = Time Step * Awtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) / Link Length

You can also see the QA/QC report for SWMM 5

How are the St Venant Units used in #SWMM5?

The new flow (Q) calculated at during each iteration of time step as

(1) Q for the new iteration = (Q at the Old Time Step – DQ2 + DQ3 + DQ4 ) / ( 1.0 + DQ1 + DQ5)

In which DQ2, DQ3 and DQ4 all have units of flow (note internally SWMM 5 has units of CFS and the flows are converted to the user units in the output file, graphs and tables of SWMM 5).

The equations and units for DQ2, DQ3 and DQ4 are:

(2) Units of DQ2 = DT * GRAVITY * aWtd * ( H2 – H1) / Length = second * feet/second^2 * feet^2 * feet / feet = feet^3/second = CFS

(3) Units of DQ3 = 2 * Velocity * ( aMid – aOld) * Sigma = feet/second * feet^2 = feet^3/second = CFS

(4) Units of DQ4 = DT * Velocity * Velocity * ( aMid – aOld) * Sigma / Length = second * feet/second * feet/second * feet^2 / feet = feet^3/second = CFS

The equations and units for DQ1 and DQ5 are:

(5) Units of DQ1 = DT * GRAVITY * (n/PHI)^2 * Velocity / Hydraulic Radius^1.333 = second * feet/second^2 * second^2 * feet^1/3 * feet/second / feet^1.33 = Dimensionless

(6) Units of DQ5 = K * Q / Area / 2 / Length * DT = feet^3/second * 1/feet^2 * 1/feet * second = Dimensionless
Figure 1.  St Venant Terms in Table and Graphs for #SWMM5 for dq1, dq2, dq3, dq4, dq5, dq6

Figure 2.  St Venant Equation in SWMM5

Various Videos of Flow into a Stormwater Inlet in Florida

Various Videos of Flow into a Stormwater Inlet in Florida

You can see gutter on the street,  chaotic flow into the inlet and very large scale pollution in the open area of the manhole,

Friday, October 14, 2016

Innovyze President Dr. Paul F. Boulos Reelected to the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers Board of Trustees

Innovyze President Dr. Paul F. Boulos Reelected to the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers Board of Trustees

Broomfield, Colorado, USA, October 14, 2016

Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced that its president, chief operating officer and chief innovation officer, Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, Dist.M.ASCE, NAE, has been reelected for a three-year term to the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). His term began October 1, 2016. He previously served as 2014 AAWRE President and on the AAWRE Board of Trustees from 2009 to 2015.

Dr. Boulos is one of the world’s foremost experts on water resources and navigation engineering and the author of ten authoritative books and more than 200 technical articles on issues critical to the water and wastewater industry. He is the recipient of an array of national and international awards and honors, including notable technical awards for excellence in scholarship from the American Water Works Association, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and ASCE; U.S. Ellis Island Medal of Honor; ASCE Parcel-Sverdrup Civil Engineering Management Award; University of Kentucky Hall of Distinction (the most prestigious honor granted by the university); Lebanese American University Distinguished Alumni Award; and NAE Einstein Society Award. He was awarded Honorary Diplomate status by AAWRE and Distinguished Diplomate status in Navigation Engineering by the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port & Navigation Engineers (ACOPNE), the top honors for both Academies. He was also elected to the grade of Distinguished Member of ASCE, the highest honor conferred by the Society; and to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), the highest professional distinction accorded to an engineer.

Dr. Boulos  received his Doctorate, Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky, and his Bachelor’s degree in General Science from the Lebanese American University. He has also completed Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.

The American Academy of Water Resources Engineers was created by ASCE and its Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) to improve the practice, elevate the standards, and advance the profession of water resources engineering. Key AAWRE goals are to identify and certify engineers with specialized knowledge in water resources for the benefit of the public; recognize the ethical practice of water resources engineering at the expert level; enhance the practice of water resources engineering; support and promote positions on water resources issues important to the public health, safety and welfare; and encourage life-long learning and continued professional development. 

“Dr. Boulos is highly respected around the world as a pivotal leader in international business and water resources engineering and is person of impeccable character,” said AAWRE Trustee and President Deborah H. Lee, PE, PH, D.WRE, Director, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Michigan. “He is a champion of strong corporate governance and is deeply committed to the mission and values of AAWRE. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the organization and will be a tremendous asset to our Board as we further our mission to promote and improve our noble profession and build better communities and a better world. I join my fellow board members in wholeheartedly welcoming Dr. Boulos to our Board.” 

“It’s an especially meaningful pleasure to be asked to serve on this distinguished board,” Boulos said. “I am so proud to be a part of this noble and great profession and look forward with excitement to the advances we will make together in furthering AAWRE’s mission to enhance the field and standing of water resources engineering.”

For more information on AAWRE, visit

About InnovyzeInnovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water/wastewater utilities, government agencies, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasian, East Asian and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. Backed by unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate, and sustain highly efficient and resilient infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit

Innovyze Contact:
Rajan RayDirector of Marketing and Client Service Manager
+1 626-568-6868

Saturday, October 8, 2016

#SWMM5 has Topological sorting of conveyance network links

SWMM5 has Topological sorting of conveyance network links in toposort.c  It sorts the network for kinematic wave but also finds the degree of number of links out of a node.  An upstream node has a negative degree and an outfall has a degree of zero.  The degree of the node is used to determine the node composition for the OUTFLOWS file in SWMM 5.  Figure 1 shows the node degrees for a sample network.

 Figure 1. The -  node degrees for a sample network.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to Use the Input HGL with a Domain in #INFOSEWER

How to Use the Input HGL with a Domain in #INFOSEWER

1. 1st make a domain out of a selection set using the domain manager,

2. Click on the Input HGL profile

3. Add the domain to the selection using the right mouse click

4. Use the right mouse click again and click enter

5. You should see the Input HGL for the domain

How to Use the Input HGL with a Domain in #INFOSEWER

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Arc GIS Tools for 2D Polygon Processing

Arc GIS Tools for 2D Polygon Processing
Clip – restrict data to area of extents
Buffer – offset polygon data
Dissolve – merge polygons
Multipart to Singlepart – make features individual (need to run after using dissolve)
Repair geometry – fix bad geometry
Erase – remove features inside areas
Integrate – align polygons

Saturday, October 1, 2016

A map of how Keep, Ignore and Dampen are used in #INFOSWMM and #SWMM5

A map of how Keep, Ignore and Dampen are used in #INFOSWMM and #SWMM5.   The Keep, Ignore and Dampen opens are important it the engine for controlling which St. Venant terms are used.

The effect of backwater and depth downstream on the links and depths upstream in #SWMM5

Do not forget that the downstream links of your model can affect the d/D and other hydraulic terms in the current link.   The downstream link with backwater raises the downstream link depth which affects the depth and d/D in the link of interest.  For example, 
The d/D is higher in link CDT-2253 due the effect of a fuller pipe downstream (1).  The d/D is the value in the middle of the link and it averages the downstream and upstream d/D.    The flow in CDT-2249 is 160 and the d/D is 0.47 but even though the flow in CDT-2253 is the same, the d/D is higher as the pipe downstream Pipe-4520 is fuller due to a flow of 425.  The higher d/D in Pipe-4520 means that the downstream d/D of CDT-2253 is higher as
The d/D is the middle value and is the average of the depths at the upstream and downstream points of the link.
CDT-2249 has a d/D of 0.47 as it does not have a downstream effect.

HGL Graph in #InfoSWMM

Friday, September 30, 2016

How to Make Break Nodes in #INFOSWMM and #H2OMAP SWMM

How to Make Break Nodes in #INFOSWMM and #H2OMAP SWMM

You would add a break node to break up long force mains so that the pipe(s) react faster to the pump flows.

  1. Find your long FM or long  Gravity Main links
  2. Insert a Node into the middle of the link to break the link into two links with the same geometry but different lengths
  3. Use the Node Inference tool to estimate the new nodes invert based on the immediate upstream and downstream node inverts
  4.  If you make a new for a FM, please also use this tool  
which will set the Surcharge depth – 1000 is bit high

Steps used to Insert Nodes in a Force Main

InfoSWMM and the Custom Report Tool

Step 0 is to define the domain and use the Custom tool in Tools,
Step 1 is to define the data source
Step 2 is to define the fields to show in the table
Step 3 is to define the source (click on Domain) and
Step 4 is to view the output table.

Larger Fonts in #SWMM5 using Delphi

If you Delphi XE2 to XE7 then it is easy to adjust the Fonts in Fmain.pas using the Respective Property Pages - it does not work for menus, unfortunately.

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...