Showing posts with label SWMMLive Manager in Innovyze #SWMM5 Products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SWMMLive Manager in Innovyze #SWMM5 Products. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2017

SWMMLive Manager in Innovyze #SWMM5 Products

SWMMLive Manager

The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager is the single utility in InfoSWMM SA to manage all interactions between InfoSWMM SA models and SWMMLive model data exchange.  It exports the active InfoSWMM SA scenario as the baseline model to SWMMLive.  It allows extension of selected InfoSWMM SA scenarios as additional supporting model data to SWMMLive for scenario switching.  It also accepts an exported SWMMLive model for detailed diagnosis run in InfoSWMM SA, supported with all the familiar InfoSWMM SA utilities.
InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager is accessed from the AddOn Extension Manager via its toolbar button or from the Tools menu (Tools -> AddOn Extension Manager).
The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager User Interface is shown below.
The InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager main dialog box has three tabs: Export Model to SWMMLive, Extend Scenario Data to SWMMLive, and Diagnose SWMMLive Model.  All model exchanges between InfoSWMM SA and SWMMLive are made through model definition files with extension inp.
<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Export Model to SWMMLive - Exports the active InfoSWMM SA model for SWMMLive (InfoSWMM SA) to create a baseline model.  All essential information about the active InfoSWMM SA model is exported into the given inp file.  If current InfoSWMM SA model contains scenario data, this option can be used in conjunction with selected scenarios to export scenario based models with overriding operational scenario data.  All scenario based model inp files will be exported to their respective scenario sub-folders under the baseline model path.
<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Extend Scenario Data to SWMMLive - Exports additional InfoSWMM SA scenario models based on a provided SWMMLive baseline model.  The operational data from the selected scenarios will be merged into the given SWMMLive reference model to form different scenario models, to be used in SWMMLive.  All scenario based model inp files will be exported to their respective sub-folders under the given baseline model path.
<![if !supportLists]>·        <![endif]>Diagnose SWMMLive Model - Diagnoses a given SWMMLive model using the full utilities available from InfoSWMM SA.  The given SWMMLive model is imported into InfoSWMM SA for any diagnosis analysis in InfoSWMM SA.

Export Model to SWMMLive

In the box of Export Model File to SWMMLive, a inp file is specified for InfoSWMM SA SWMMLive Manager to store the InfoSWMM SA model information. 
 Browse for a folder location and specify a inp file name.
If the InfoSWMM SA model is blank, SWMMLive Manager will not export.  Otherwise, SWMMLive Manager exports the active scenario as the baseline model to SWMMLive.   

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