Wednesday, August 16, 2017

#SWMM 5 LID 185 message

Here are the soil layer rules for LID’s in SWMM5....  If any of these are wrong you will get an Error 185 message

Soil Porosity > Field Capacity > Wilting Point

    //... check soil layer parameters
    if ( LidProcs[j].soil.thickness >= 0.0; 0.0 )
        if ( LidProcs[j].soil.porosity      <= 0.0 
        ||   LidProcs[j].soil.fieldCap      >= LidProcs[j].soil.porosity
        ||   LidProcs[j].soil.wiltPoint    >= LidProcs[j].soil.fieldCap
        ||   LidProcs[j].soil.kSat            <= 0.0
        ||   LidProcs[j].soil.kSlope       <= 0.0 )

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