Saturday, August 26, 2017

Steps for Running RDII Analyst in H2OMap SWMM

Steps for Running RDII Analyst in H2OMap SWMM

Step 1.  Create the RTK UH in the H2OMap SWMM Attribute Browser (AB)
Step 2. Assign the RTK UH to a node (you need one node at least to Run RDII Analyst).
Step 3.  Open up RDII Analyst and Set up the Node for the Analysis
Step 4.  Select a Node
Step 5.  Define the Flow Data
Step 6.  Define the Rainfall Data
Step 7.  Calculate the DWF and GW flow
Step 8.  Calculate the Wet Weather flow – Flow minus Dry Weather Flow
Step 9.  Set up the RDII GA Run
Step 10.  The RDII Calibration Result
Step 11.  Export RTK parameters back to H2Omap SWMM

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