Friday, September 4, 2015

New LID defaults for EPA SWMM 5.1.008 - from the SWMM 5 code

  8 Types of LID's

ProcessTypesLong: array[0..7] of String =                                    //(5.1.008)

    ('Bio-Retention Cell', 'Rain Garden', 'Green Roof',
     'Infiltration Trench', 'Permeable Pavement',
     'Rain Barrel', 'Rooftop Disconnection', 'Vegetative Swale');              //(5.1.008)
   ProcessTypesMedium: array[0..7] of String =
    ('Bio-Retention', 'Rain Garden', 'Green Roof', 'Infil. Trench',
     'Perm. Pave', 'Rain Barrel', 'Roof Discon.', 'Veg. Swale');               //(5.1.008)
   ProcessTypesShort: array[0..7] of String =                                   //(5.1.008)
    ('BC', 'RG', 'GR', 'IT', 'PP', 'RB', 'RD', 'VS');                          //(5.1.008)

6 Types of LID layers

  LayerTypes: array[0..5] of String =
    ('Surface', 'Pavement', 'Soil', 'Storage', 'Drain', 'DrainMat');
   DefSurfaceLayer: array[0..4] of String =
    ('0.0',        //Berm height
     '0.1',        //Vegetation Ratio                         // RED for InfoSWMM Sustain
     '0.1',        //Roughness
     '1.0',        //Surface Slope
     '5');         //Side Slope
   DefPavementLayer: array[0..4] of String =
    ('0',          //Depth                                                     //(5.1.008)
     '0.15',       //Void Ratio
     '0',          //Impervious Ratio
     '100',        //Permeability
     '0');         //Clogging Factor
   DefSoilLayer: array[0..6] of String =
    ('0',         //Depth                                                      //(5.1.008)
     '0.5',        //Porosity
     '0.2',        //Field Capacity
     '0.1',        //Wilting Point
     '0.5',        //Sat. Hyd. Conductivity
     '10.0',       //Conductivity Coeff.
     '3.5');       //Suction Head
   DefStorageLayer: array[0..3] of String =
    ('0',         //Depth                                                      //(5.1.008)
     '0.75',       //Void Ratio
     '0.5',        //Conductivity                                         //(5.1.007)
     '0');         //Clogging Factor
   DefDrainLayer: array[0..3] of String =
    ('0',          //Flow Coefficient
     '0.5',        //Flow Exponent
     '6',          //Drain Offset
     '6');         //Drain Delay
   DefDrainMatLayer: array[0..2] of String =
    ('3',          //Thickness
     '0.5',        //Void Fraction
     '0.1');       //Roughness

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