Saturday, December 1, 2012

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

by dickinsonre
InfoSWMM 2D Report Variables

The Junction Graph variables for 2D Depth, 2D Speed, 2D Froude Number, 2D Unit Flow, 2D Inflow, 2D Volume and 2D Angle for a InfoSWMM 2D simulation for up to 1000 years can be plotted in the Report Manager of InfoSWMM.  This is an image of the 2D inflow over a 10 year period (A), all seven graph variables (B) for the mesh triangle associated with the 1D node (C).  The 2D inflow is + for flow out of the node to a mesh triangle and – for flow from the mesh triangle to the  1D junction.

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