Sunday, December 16, 2012

InfoSewer By Discharge Control for PUMP

InfoSewer By Discharge Control for a PUMP

InfoSewer By Discharge Control for a PUMP

by dickinsonre
InfoSewer By Discharge Control for a PUMP
You can control the pumps in InfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer by using a Pump Control which will control the pump based on:
1.       Volume
2.      Level
3.      Discharge
4.      Inflow
5.      Time
If you use a By Discharge control the pump speed of the pump is increased or decreased to pump the incoming Wet Well flow based on the pump rules and the geometry of the Wet Well (Figure 1).
Figure 1.  By Discharge Control for  PUMP in InfoSewer and H2OMAP Sewer will change the Pump Speed of the pump to follow the Base Pump Flow Rules.

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