Saturday, January 28, 2012

Example SWMM 5 Model for Activated Sludge

Note:   Example SWMM 5 Model for Activated Sludge

Example SWMM 5 Model for Activated Slude

by dickinsonre

Note:   Example SWMM 5 Model for Activated Sludge
Here is one example of how to model an activated sludge tank.  The image is Wikipedia (  and is the watermark background in the SWMM 5 GUI.  There is 100 lps inflow, 20 percent recycle and 10 percent sludge drawoff.   You can adjust the amount of recycle and sludge altering the pump type 2 flows or if you want to increase the inflows – add more flow in the RawWater inflow node.

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