Monday, July 4, 2011

How to Model a Vacuum Sewer in SWMM 5

Subject:  How to Model a Vacuum Sewer in SWMM 5  

You can model a vacuum sewer as a gravity pipe connected to a storage node connected to an outlet connected to various pipes in a sawtooth pattern connected to a collection tank with a pump that pumps to a force main.

1.       Gravity Pipe,
2.       Storage Node,
3.       An Outlet function that works as a function of the depth in the storage node
4.       Series of Pipes in a Sawtooth Pattern,
5.       Collection tank,
6.       Pump
7.       Force Main
Vacuum Sewer Example


Anonymous said...

The new vacuum sewer systems are unique because they have total control on the amount of sewer that enters the sewer mains. Sewer only enters the sewer mains through valves and the valves have controllers. "Surge Flow Management" allows a system design to be cost effective and use small pipes since there is no fear of surge flows backing up the sewer lines. Surge Flow Management has now been made available with the advances in Telemetry and Controller technology, which make the Vacuum sewer System a closed loop process. A simulation package for Surge Flow Management is definitely need for the engineering firms that design vacuum sewer systems.

Unknown said...

Vacuflow® (QUAVAC, The Netherlands) gives value to the customers by low investments costs and excel-lent results. The Vacuflow® system is robust and simple. It consists of a collection chamber (where wastewater is collected), a pipe network (through which wastewater is transported) and a vacuum station (which maintains the vacuum throughout the entire system).
QUAVAC provides free quotes for vacuum sewer design and visit

Name: Ricky YD
Vacuum Sewer Engineer

Unknown said...

VACUFLOW ® Technology
The vacuum sewerage system is a dry weather system which means that rain water may not be connected. The VACUFLOW ® System requires no use of so called “inspection points”. The most characteristic features of the VACUFLOW ® Technology is the guaranteed simultaneous suction and transport of sewage and air through a closed pipe network under constant negative pressure and it’s highly sophisticated, empiric adjusted, friction and static loss calculations in pipe lines.
In addition, the VACUFLOW ® system is virtually maintenance and because it operates within a closed and leak proof vacuum system, the environment will benefit too. No sewage can escape to pollute surrounding areas.
The vacuum system is perfect for a wide range of applications, particularly where expensive and tractate construction work is to be avoided. Think of areas under ground fill or shallow topsoil as well as areas with a high water table or where the environment is fragile.
For more please contact :

rick said...

As Vacuum Sewer is operating with vacuum, the lift in every separate pipe line must be calculated. Also the pipe length must be considered. As mentioned earlier, the Vacuum Sewer method utilizes the atmospheric pressure for the sewage disposal. The vacuum station is normally operating at a vacuum level of 60-65 kPa. The vacuum level in the interface unit at the discharge valve shall never be less than 25 kPa and the lift in the interface unit shall normally not be higher than 1.5 m. As a general rule the loss of vacuum between the station and to any interface unit shall not be higher than 3.5 m. for more……

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