Showing posts with label SWMM5 Inlet Code- 2️⃣ Checking for Street Cross Section. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SWMM5 Inlet Code- 2️⃣ Checking for Street Cross Section. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2023

SWMM5 Inlet Code- 2️⃣ Checking for Street Cross Section

 Alright, let's dive into this code and sprinkle in some emojis for a clear and engaging explanation! 🚀🌈

📌 Purpose of the Code: This function gathers some essential properties about a conduit (or pipe) associated with an inlet and assigns them to shared variables. This helps other functions use these properties without having to fetch them again. 🔄🔍

📂 Inputs:

  • inlet: 🕳️ Represents an inlet object that's placed in a conduit link.

🔍 Detailed Breakdown:

1️⃣ Initial Setup:

  • The function starts by grabbing the index of the link where the inlet is placed and the subIndex of that link to identify the specific conduit. It then extracts the slope (SL) and the factor Beta from this conduit.

2️⃣ Checking for Street Cross Section:

  • If the conduit has a Street cross section:

    a. Various properties like the street slope (Sx), gutter depression (a), gutter width (W), roughness (n), number of sides (Nsides), distance from curb to the crown (Tcrown), and a factor used in Izzard's equation (Qfactor) are assigned. 🛣️

    b. If there's a local depression at the inlet, it gets added to the continuous depression of the street. This is to account for any extra depression created by the inlet itself. ⛏️

    c. The slope of the depressed gutter section is calculated. If there's no depression, it defaults to the street slope.

3️⃣ Other Conduit Types:

  • If the conduit doesn't have a Street cross section (like being rectangular or trapezoidal):

    a. Several properties are set to default values, like a and W becoming 0, and Nsides being 1 (indicating a one-sided street). 📏

    b. The slopes Sx and Sw are both set to a default value of 0.01.

📝 Summary: This function plays a crucial role in extracting and setting up geometric details 📐 of the conduit where an inlet is placed. Having this information readily available in shared variables ensures that other functions can swiftly access and utilize these details without redundant computations. Efficiency at its best! 🚀🎯

Hope this emoji-guided tour provides a brighter understanding of your code! 🎉🤖📘

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