Showing posts with label Keyword Categories in EPASWMM 5.2.2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keyword Categories in EPASWMM 5.2.2. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2023

Keyword Categories in EPASWMM 5.2.2


Keyword CategoryExample KeywordsDescriptionEmoji
BuildupTypeWords[BUILDUP TYPES]Types of buildup in the model📈
CurveTypeWords[CURVE TYPES]Types of curves in the model📉
DividerTypeWords[DIVIDER TYPES]Types of flow dividers
DynWaveMethodWords[DYNAMIC WAVE METHODS]Methods for dynamic wave modeling🌊
EvapTypeWords[EVAPORATION TYPES]Types of evaporation💨
FileModeWords[FILE MODES]Modes of file operations📂
FileTypeWords[FILE TYPES]Types of files in the model📁
FlowUnitWords[FLOW UNITS]Units of flow measurement💧
ForceMainEqnWords[FORCE MAIN EQUATIONS]Equations for force mains🔧
GageDataWords[GAGE DATA]Data related to gages🌧️
InertDampingWords[INERTIAL DAMPING]Damping types for inertia🔽
InfilModelWords[INFILTRATION MODELS]Models for infiltration💦
LinkOffsetWords[LINK OFFSETS]Offsets for links🔗
LinkTypeWords[LINK TYPES]Types of links in the model🔗
LoadUnitsWords[LOAD UNITS]Units for loading⚖️
NodeTypeWords[NODE TYPES]Types of nodes🔀
NoneAllWords[NONE, ALL]Indicators of none or all❌✅
NormalFlowWords[NORMAL FLOW]Terms for normal flow🌊
NormalizerWords[NORMALIZERS]Normalizing factors🔍
NoYesWords[NO, YES]Binary yes/no options❌✅
OldRouteModelWords[OLD ROUTE MODELS]Legacy routing models🌊
OffOnWords[OFF, ON]Binary off/on options🔴🟢
OptionWords[OPTIONS]Various options in the model⚙️
OrificeTypeWords[ORIFICE TYPES]Types of orifices
OutfallTypeWords[OUTFALL TYPES]Types of outfalls🏞️
PatternTypeWords[PATTERN TYPES]Types of patterns🔀
PondingUnitsWords[PONDING UNITS]Units for ponding🌊
ProcessVarWords[PROCESS VARIABLES]Variables in processing🔣
PumpTypeWords[PUMP TYPES]Types of pumps🚰
QualUnitsWords[QUALITY UNITS]Units for water quality🔍
RainTypeWords[RAINFALL TYPES]Types of rainfall🌧️
RainUnitsWords[RAINFALL UNITS]Units for rainfall🌧️
ReportWords[REPORT TYPES]Types of reports📊
RelationWords[RELATIONS]Types of relational data↔️
RouteModelWords[ROUTE MODELS]Models for routing🌊
RuleKeyWords[RULE KEYS]Keywords for rules🔑
SectWords[SECTIONS]Different sections in the model📁
SnowmeltWords[SNOWMELT]Terms related to snowmelt❄️
SurchargeWords[SURCHARGE TYPES]Types of surcharges🔝
TempKeyWords[TEMPERATURE KEYS]Keys for temperature data🌡️
TransectKeyWords[TRANSECT KEYS]Keys for transects📏
TreatTypeWords[TREATMENT TYPES]Types of treatments💊
UHTypeWords[UNIT HYDROGRAPH TYPES]Types of unit hydrographs🌊
VolUnitsWords[VOLUME UNITS]Units for volume🚰
WashoffTypeWords[WASHOFF TYPES]Types of washoff🚿
WeirTypeWords[WEIR TYPES]Types of weirs🌊
XsectTypeWords[CROSS-SECTION TYPES]Types of cross-sections⬛️

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