Showing posts with label Emojis - SQL In ICM InfoWorks - 📜 3 Deletion with SQL 📜. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emojis - SQL In ICM InfoWorks - 📜 3 Deletion with SQL 📜. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Emojis - SQL In ICM InfoWorks - 📜 3 Deletion with SQL 📜

 📜 3 Deletion with SQL 📜

Venture into the world of object removal using the DELETE keyword within InfoWorks ICM.

🔍 Deletion Features:

  • Deleting objects with specific criteria 🔄: Use DELETE WHERE followed by the criteria, e.g., DELETE WHERE x > 10000.
  • Overriding table names 📌: For specific tables, use DELETE FROM [Table Name] WHERE [Criteria].
  • Modifying deletion behavior ⚙️: Use keywords ALL or SELECTED, e.g., DELETE ALL WHERE x > 10000.
  • Deleting all objects ❌: Simply use DELETE ALL.

🧠 Advanced Scenarios:

  • Delete within specific scenarios e.g., DELETE ALL FROM [All Nodes] IN SCENARIO 'west' WHERE x < 644000.
  • Structured blob deletion, e.g., DELETE FROM [Table Name].blob_name WHERE condition.

📜 4 Insertion in SQL 📜

Discover the art of adding objects using SQL within InfoWorks ICM.

🔍 Insertion Features:

  • Adding individual objects 🔄: Use INSERT INTO <table name> (fields) VALUES (values).
  • Inserting into structured blobs 📌: Syntax is INSERT INTO <table name>.<blob name> (fields) VALUES (values).
  • Inserting from SELECT statements ⚙️: Use INSERT INTO <table name> (fields) SELECT <select statement>.

🧠 Advanced Insertions:

  • Add objects to specific scenarios using syntax like INSERT INTO node(node_id,x,y) IN BASE SCENARIO VALUES ('N2',3,4).

📜 5 Assignment with SQL 📜

Harness SQL to modify object values within the InfoWorks ICM network.

🔍 Assignment Features:

  • Assigning new values 🔄: Use SET to modify fields, e.g., SET user_number_1 = 123.
  • Overriding default tables or behaviors 📌: Use the UPDATE keyword.

🧠 Advanced Assignments:

  • Assign multiple values at once by separating them with commas.
  • Assign NULL values, e.g., SET ground_level = NULL.

Dive deeper into the power of SQL within InfoWorks ICM to optimize, customize, and elevate your workflows! 🌊💡🔧🖥️🔄.

AI Rivers of Wisdom about ICM SWMM

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