Showing posts with label Emoji version of SWMM5 Internal Routing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emoji version of SWMM5 Internal Routing. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Emoji version of SWMM5 Internal Routing

 Diving into the world of hydrological modeling, the concept of percent routing πŸŒŠπŸ’Ή plays a pivotal role in determining where the runoff flows. Let's break it down 🧐:

When the percent routing is at its peak, 100%πŸ”πŸŒŸ:

  • Outlet Only Choice πŸŒͺ️πŸšͺ: Both impervious πŸ›£️ and pervious 🌿 zones channel their runoff directly to the grand stage, the outlet node, or the superstar outlet subcatchment.
  • Pervious Choice 🌿πŸšͺ: Imagine a grand ballroom dance πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί: All (100%) of the guests from the impervious area join the pervious party, and after the dance, they all exit together to the outlet node or the outlet subcatchment.
  • Impervious Choice πŸ›£️πŸšͺ: The tables turn! Now, all the green, pervious guests 🌿 are invited to the impervious party πŸ›£️, and post-celebration, they all make their grand exit to the outlet node or the outlet subcatchment.

When the percent routing is balanced at 50% ⚖️πŸŒ“:

  • Outlet Only Choice πŸŒͺ️πŸšͺ: It's straightforward! Both impervious πŸ›£️ and pervious 🌿 zones continue their journey to the outlet node or outlet subcatchment. Here, the percent routing value wears an invisibility cloak; it doesn't influence the outcome.
  • Pervious Choice 🌿πŸšͺ: Picture a relay race πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♂️: Half (50%) of the impervious team passes the baton to the pervious team. Once the race ends, they move unitedly to the outlet node or the outlet subcatchment. Meanwhile, the other half of the impervious team sprints πŸƒ‍♂️ directly to the outlet, not waiting for the baton exchange.
  • Impervious Choice πŸ›£️πŸšͺ: The relay race reverses! Half (50%) of the green, pervious team 🌿 hands over the baton to the impervious team πŸ›£️. After the race, they head together to the outlet node or the outlet subcatchment. Simultaneously, the other half of the pervious team dashes πŸƒ‍♀️ straight to the outlet.

In essence, the choice of routing and the percentage play a dynamic duo 🎭 in orchestrating the journey of runoff in the landscape of hydrological modeling. Understanding their dance helps in predicting and managing water flows more effectively! πŸŒπŸ’§πŸ”

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