Sunday, October 22, 2023

Emoji SWMM5 - 📋 Computed Subcatchment Quantities along with Link, Node and System


📋 Computed Subcatchment Quantities

This enumeration defines the computed results for subcatchments in a stormwater management model.

Enum ValueDescriptionEmoji Symbol
SUBCATCH_RAINFALLRainfall intensity.🌧️
SUBCATCH_EVAPEvaporation loss.☁️
SUBCATCH_INFILInfiltration loss.💧🌱
SUBCATCH_RUNOFFRunoff flow rate.🚰🌧️
SUBCATCH_GW_FLOWGroundwater flow rate to node.
SUBCATCH_GW_ELEVElevation of saturated groundwater table.⛰️⛲
SUBCATCH_WASHOFFPollutant washoff concentration.🚿💧

📋 Computed Node Quantities

This enumeration defines the computed results for nodes in the system.

Enum ValueDescriptionEmoji Symbol
NODE_DEPTHWater depth above invert.🌊
NODE_HEADHydraulic head.💧⬆️
NODE_VOLUMEVolume stored & ponded.🚰📏
NODE_LATFLOWLateral inflow rate.➡️🚰
NODE_INFLOWTotal inflow rate.🚰➡️
NODE_OVERFLOWOverflow rate.🌊⬆️
NODE_QUALConcentration of each pollutant.💧🔍

📋 Computed Link Quantities

This enumeration lists the computed results for links in the system.

Enum ValueDescriptionEmoji Symbol
LINK_FLOWFlow rate.🚰➡️
LINK_DEPTHFlow depth.🌊📏
LINK_VELOCITYFlow velocity.💨🚰
LINK_VOLUMELink volume.🚰📏
LINK_CAPACITYRatio of area to full area.🚰➗
LINK_QUALConcentration of each pollutant.💧🔍

📋 System-wide Quantities

This enumeration defines overall computed results for the entire system.

Enum ValueDescriptionEmoji Symbol
SYS_TEMPERATUREAir temperature.🌡️
SYS_RAINFALLRainfall intensity.🌧️
SYS_SNOWDEPTHSnow depth.❄️
SYS_RUNOFFRunoff flow.🚰🌧️
SYS_DWFLOWDry weather inflow.☀️🚰
SYS_GWFLOWGroundwater inflow.
SYS_IIFLOWRDII inflow.🌧️➡️
SYS_EXFLOWExternal inflow.🚰➡️
SYS_INFLOWTotal lateral inflow.🚰➡️
SYS_FLOODINGFlooding outflow.🌊⬆️
SYS_OUTFLOWOutfall outflow.🚰⬅️
SYS_STORAGEStorage volume.🚰📏
SYS_PETPotential ET.🌱☀️

The tables and emojis visually represent and categorize different computed results related to subcatchments, nodes, links, and system-wide metrics in a stormwater management model.

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