Sunday, December 25, 2022

Graphical View of the Runoff process in #SWMM5 #ICM_SWMM, and #INFOSWMM

 Graphical View of the Runoff process in #SWMM5 #ICM_SWMM, and #INFOSWMM

Here is a graphical view of the nonlinear runoff processes in InfoSWMM and SWMM5:
1. Three runoff surfaces
a. Impervious with Depression Storage
b. Pervious
c. Impervious without Depression Storage
2. Slope (same for all runoff surfaces)
3. Width or the Dimension of the Subcatchment (same for all runoff surfaces)
4. Infiltration
a. Horton
b. Modified Horton
c. Green Ampt
d. Modified Green Ampt
e. Curve Number or SCS or CN
f. Monthly Adjustments for Climate Change for all Infiltration Methods
5. Evaporation
a. Constant
b. Time Series
c. Monthly
d. Temperature
e. Climate File
f. Monthly Adjustments for Climate Change
6. Roughness (Manning’s n)
a. Impervious
b. Pervious
7. Depression Storage
a. Impervious
b. Pervious
8. Temperature for Snowmelt
a. Climate File
b. Time Series
c. Monthly Adjustments for Climate Change
9. Wind Speed for Snowmelt
a. Climate File
b. Time Series
10. Other connected processes
a. LID Controls
b. Groundwater
c. Snowmelt
d. Water Quality
11. Outlet
a. Node
b. Pervious Runoff Surface
c. Impervious Runoff Surface
d. Another Subcatchment
e. LID Controls
i. Rain Garden
ii. Green Roofs
iii. Porous or Permeable Pavements
iv. Bio Retention Cells
v. Infiltration Trench
vi. Vegetative Swales
vii. Rain Barrel
viii. Rooftop Disconnection
12. Rainfall
a. Design Storms
b. Historical Storms
c. Long term NWS data or a Climate File
d. User Time Series
e. Monthly Adjustments for Climate Change

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