Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How to See the Highest Continuity Errors Table in the Output Report Manager In InfoSWMM and SWMM5

How to See the Highest Continuity Errors Table in the Output Report Manager
In the output text report file of InfoSWMM, InfoSWMM SA and SWMM5 there is the Highest Node Continuity Error Table.   The Table shows the highest 20 Nodes for  percent node continuity errors and the actual continuity error as defined by Node Outflow - Node Inflow.   This  table is  also shown in the Output Report Manger  table  
The same value of Node Outflow - Node Inflow is shown in the Junction Summary table under the column flow volume difference.  The units of flow volume difference will be the same as the RPT file if the units are changed in the Output Unit Manger.

How to change the volume units  in  the Output Unit Manger.  Change the volume to MG or ML (for SI units).

The flow volume difference can also be seen in Map Display by picking the Active Output variable Vol_Diff or Flow Volume Difference.

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