Wednesday, February 5, 2014

InfoSWMM 2D Inflows and Mesh Element to 1D Node Linkages

The 2D Output HTML file of InfoSWMM 2D shows the Total 2D Inflows at each node by Mesh ID.  You can either graph, report use the 2D Graphs in InfoSWMM to also see these flows but in addition there is a Section in the 2D InfoSWMM input file (Hydqua.inp) that shows the 1D Node Name followed by the Mesh Element ID (Figure 1)

 Net inflow in 1d nodes
 Node id :  2919                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 15244.2504
 Node id :  2946                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 7429.7630
 Node id :  7405                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 0.0000
 Node id :  7451                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 699.8173
 Node id :  4022                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 4026.5423
 Node id :  2370                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 2076.7189
 Node id :  1083                             // Net Inflow (m3) : 5697.8787

InfoSWMM 2D Inflows and Mesh Element to 1D Node Linkages

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