Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adding New View Variables To the SWMM 5 Delphi and C Code

Subject: Adding New View Variables To SWMM 5 for Villemonte Correction for Downstream Submergence. A simple seven step procedure to modify the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi Code and the SWMM 5 C code.

Step 1: Add a new View Variable to the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi code UGLOBAL.PAS

You need to add a new variable name (LINKVILLEMONTE) and increase the index number of LINKVIEWS

LINKVILLEMONTE = 48; //Output // (5.0.022 - RED)

LINKQUAL = 49; //Output // (5.0.022 - RED)

LINKVIEWS = 48; //Max. display variable index // (5.0.022 - RED)

Step 2: Add a new BaseLinkUnits description to the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi code UGLOBAL.PAS

('',''), // Villemonte Correction // (5.0.022 - RED)

('mg/L','mg/L')); // Quality

Step 3: Add a new Link View Variable SourceIndex description to the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi code Viewvars.txt

(Name: 'Villemonte Correction';

SourceIndex: 43;

DefIntervals: (25,50,75,100)),


SourceIndex: 44;



Step 4: Add a new Link View Variable LINK_VILLEMONTE to the SWMM 5 C code in enums.h

You also need to increase the number of Link Results in enums.h for the increased number of view variables

#define MAX_LINK_RESULTS 45 // (5.0.022 - RED)

LINK_VILLEMONTE, // Villemonte Correction // (5.0.022 - RED)

LINK_QUAL}; // concentration of each pollutant

Step 5: Add a new variable to objects.h for the structure Tlink to remember the Villemonte correction at each iteration for each Weir and Orifice

double Villemonte; //(5.0.022 - RED)

} TLink;

Step 6: In the SWMM 5 LINK.C code in procedure weir_getInflow save the current iteration value of the Villemonte correction to the new structure variable

// --- apply Villemonte eqn. to correct for submergence

Link[j].Villemonte = 1.0; //(5.0.022 - RED)

Link[j].head = head; //(5.0.022 - RED)

if ( h2 > hcrest )


ratio = (h2 - hcrest) / (h1 - hcrest);

q1 *= pow( (1.0 - pow(ratio, weirPower[Weir[k].type])), 0.385);

if ( q2 > 0.0 )

q2 *= pow( (1.0 - pow(ratio, weirPower[VNOTCH_WEIR])), 0.385);

Link[j].Villemonte = pow( (1.0 - pow(ratio, weirPower[Weir[k].type])), 0.385); //(5.0.022 - RED)


Step 7: Save the value of the saved Villemonte correction in LINK.C in the procedure link_getResults so it can be read and seen in the Delphi interface

x[LINK_VILLEMONTE] = (float)Link[j].Villemonte; // (5.0.022 - RED)

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