Wednesday, June 25, 2008

EPA SWMM 5 Calibration Files

The EPA SWMM 5 calibration file is only for comparing the following 12 internal variables graphically to either SWMM 4 results, monitored data or some other model results:
  1. Subcatchment Runoff
  2. Subcatchment Washoff
  3. Node Water Depth
  4. Link Flow Rate
  5. Node Water Quality
  6. Node Lateral Inflow
  7. Node Flooding
  8. Groundwater Flow
  9. Groundwater Elevation
  10. Snow Pack Depth
  11. Link Flow Depth
  12. Link Flow Velocity

The graph on your SWMM 5 screen can be saved either to the clipboard or an external file for further manipulation of the computed and observed (calibration file data) by using the commands
Edit->Copy To=>Clipboard=>Text or
Edit->Copy To=>File=>Text
Just remember that the computed variable value comes first in the text followed by the observed variable value. For example:
Link 1030 Flow
Series Elapsed Time (hours) Flow CFS
Computed 0.1667 0.0000
Observed 0.0167 0.0000

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