Sunday, November 29, 2015

#SWMM5 on #GITHUB and 21.CO Machine Learning

  1.   Retweeted
    From WWW to Social Web to Machine Learning Web. This could be huge!
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    Coolest part about —they know so well that is even more important than

Re-Engineering the user interface of EPANET - A post in the Blog Water Simulation

Re-Engineering the user interface of EPANET - A post in the Blog Water Simulation 
Click for more information

Sunday, November 22, 2015

A common look to the Icons in #INFOWATER, #INFOSWMM, #INFOSEWER in #ARCMAP for the @Innovyze #ARCGIS Products

2/ A common look to the Icons in #INFOWATER#INFOSWMM#INFOSEWER for Editing
— Robert Dickinson (@InnovyzeRobert) November 22, 2015

Alcosan (Pittsburgh Metro Area) South Africa and Singapore Infographics News

Friday, November 20, 2015


This page has very good graphics on LID and SuDS
A urbanização provoca modificações no ciclo hidrológico, alterando suas parcelas e o balanço hídrico da bacia hidrográfica. A urbanização desordenada associada à falta de manejo e ao uso inadequado do solo provoca a redução da capacidade de armazenamento natural dos deflúvios, modificando os padrões de drenagem. A solução tradicionalmente adotada para a drenagem urbana visa o aumento da velocidade dos escoamentos com obras de canalização dos rios, o que acaba transferindo o problema para jusante e implica em continuadas intervenções localizadas após eventos de inundação. No entanto, uma abordagem mais atual, a chamada Drenagem Urbana Sustentável, busca soluções que proporcionam aretenção artificial das águas pluviais, a fim de compensar as perdas na retenção natural. A figura abaixo mostra a evolução da gestão da drenagem urbana ao longo dos anos, que no princípio tinha como objetivo apenas mitigar a ocorrência de cheias e que hoje objetiva também a melhoria da qualidade das águas drenadas, a restauração do regime de vazões, o aproveitamento das águas da chuva, entre outros.

triânguloevolução drenagem
A drenagem sustentável tem como focos principais:
  • respeitar o funcionamento natural da bacia hidrográfica;
  • minimizar os impactos da urbanização;
  • melhor controle sobre os riscos de inundações;
  • menor custo com readequações do sistema de drenagem (custos com “reinvestimentos”).
Os projetos de sistemas de drenagem sustentável buscam soluções para a drenagem evitando que os problemas sejam transferidos para áreas vizinhas, bem como a diminuição do impacto do empreendimento no sistema hídrico e garantia de sua sustentabilidade. Nas últimas décadas foram propostas diferentes abordagens nesta mesma temática, todas com um objetivo comum de resgatar as características naturais do ciclo hidrológico e proporcionando, ao mesmo tempo, ambientes mais agradáveis, como já apresentamos aqui no Blog em outros posts.
A seguir são apresentadas, resumidamente, as principais abordagens e as características de cada uma.
Melhores práticas de gestão – BMP (Best Management Practices)
É um conjunto planejado de ações implementadas na bacia, com o objetivo de atenuar os impactos da urbanização, buscando reduzir a quantidade de água lançada no corpo receptor através da infiltração, e também melhorias na qualidade dessas águas. Exemplos típicos de BMPs incluem dispositivos de detenção ou retenção, instalações de infiltração e wetlands. Um exemplo de projeto com o uso destas técnicas foi apresentado no post EXEMPLO DE BMP PARA CONTROLE DE INUNDAÇÕES – LOS ANGELES, CA. As BMPs atuam tanto com medidas estruturais quanto com medidas não estruturais.
Desenvolvimento de Baixo Impacto – LID (Low Impact Development)
Considera o problema de forma integrada, tentando resgatar as características naturais do ciclo hidrológico, enquanto agrega valor à própria cidade. Projetos com uso de LIDs são elaborados de forma a se criar uma “paisagem multifuncional” capaz de incorporar características de projeto que buscam simular as funções de infiltração e armazenamento da bacia pré-urbanizada. Essa técnica foi bem explicada no post CRIANDO CIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS. Abaixo são apresentadas as principais diferenças entre as práticas LID e as práticas convencionais.
Técnicas compensatórias
Buscam favorecer a retenção e infiltração das águas precipitadas, visando o rearranjo temporal das vazões e a diminuição do volume escoado, reduzindo a probabilidade de inundações e aumentando a qualidade das águas pluviais. Tem como princípio inicial: manter as mesmas vazões das condições de pré-urbanização, buscando compensar os impactos da urbanização por meio da redução do volume de escoamento superficial, das vazões de pico e consequente redução da vulnerabilidade das áreas urbanas a inundações. O post O IMPACTO DAS TÉCNICAS COMPENSATÓRIAS apresentou um projeto acadêmico que testou o uso dessas técnicas.
Para saber mais sobre as técnicas compensatórias leia o post 5 MANEIRAS SIMPLES DE MELHORAR O CONTROLE DAS ENCHENTES URBANAS.
Sustainable urban drainage systems – SUDS
Desenvolvidos para melhorar o desenho urbano e a gestão de riscos ambientais, assim como promover a melhoria do ambiente construído, buscando reduzir os escoamentos superficiais através de estruturas de controle da água pluvial em pequenas unidades. Inclui medidas não estruturais como layouts alternativos de estradas e prédios para minimizar a impermeabilização dos solo e maximizar seu uso.
Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
Como Osvaldo escreveu no post MANEJO DE ÁGUAS PLUVIAIS: QUEM ESTÁ INOVANDO NA ÁREA? , esse conceito “implica em inverter a lógica de adaptação dos sistemas hídricos às necessidades da cidade para uma abordagem de adaptação da cidade ao ciclo hidrológico, mitigando ao máximo os impactos da urbanização e aproveitando todo o potencial da água na paisagem e na vida urbana.”
Os princípios básicos são:
  • gestão integrada de água potável, águas residuais e águas pluviais;
  • integração da gestão das águas urbanas na escala individual do lote à escala regional;
  • integração da gestão sustentável das águas urbanas, arquitetura e paisagismo; e
  • integração das medidas estruturais e não-estruturais no manejo sustentável das águas urbanas.
Infraestrutura verde – GI (Green Infrastructure)
A infraestrutura verde coloca a conservação da biodiversidade num contexto político mais vasto, no qual os objetivos primários da conservação da natureza são alcançados em estreita harmonia com outros objetivos de uso do solo relacionados, por exemplo, com a agricultura, a silvicultura, o lazer e recreio e a adaptação às alterações climáticas. Intervenções urbanas que utilizam práticas da Infraestrutura Verde podem proporcionar maior infiltração da água e sua filtragem, bem como evapotranspiração e evaporação, reduzindo os efeitos de ilhas de calor e promovendo um melhor quadro climático na cidade. Além de atuar na gestão das águas pluviais também contribui na redução das enchentes e na melhoria da qualidade do ar. É o conceito mais amplo, dentre todos os apresentados.
O quadro abaixo, apresentado no artigo SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more – The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage, publicado no Urban Water Journal, apresenta as diferentes concepções de acordo com suas especificidades e foco principal.
Tudo junto
Para saber mais sobre drenagem sustentável leia os posts:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Innovyze St Venant Solutions for InfoSewer, H20Map Sewer, #InfoSWMM, H2OMap SWMM and #InfoWorks_ICM and #InfoWorks_ICM_SE

This blog contrasts the St Venant Solutions for InfoSewerH20Map Sewer (1), InfoSWMM/H2OMap SWMM and ICM/ICM SE.

1.  Assumptions for the St. Venant Equations

The assumptions behind Lumped and Distributed Models along with the assumptions of the St Venant equations.  InfoSewerH20Map Sewer, InfoSWMM, H2OMap SWMM, SWMM5, ICM and ICM SE are all Distributed models for Unsteady flow.  InfoSWMM and InfoSewerH20Map Sewer have options for direct steady flow.  ICM and InfoSWMM can also use a quasi steady flow solution.   All of these Innovyze models use the Continuity Equation and Momentum equation for routing flows in links.  The numerical solution differs between the three Innovyze main  platforms:
  • Storm cloudInfoSewer and H2OMap Sewer
  • Storm cloudInfoSWMM,  H2OMap SWMM and SWMM 5
  • Storm cloudICM and ICM SE


Continuity Equation


Various Forms of the Momentum Equation


2.  Muskingum-Cunge for InfoSewerH20Map Sewer

The continuity (mass conservation) equation is:
x          =          distance along the pipe (longitudinal direction of sewer)
A          =          flow cross sectional area normal to x
y          =          coordinate direction normal to x on a vertical plane
d          =          depth of flow of the cross section, measured along y direction
Q         =          discharge through A
V          =          cross sectional average velocity along x direction
S0         =          pipe slope, equal to sin θ
θ          =          angle between sewer bottom and horizontal plane
Sf            =          friction slope
g             =          gravitational acceleration
t           =          time
β          =          Boussinesq momentum flux correction coefficient for velocity distribution

3. SWMM5, H2OMap SWMM and InfoSWMM


4. ICM and ICM SE


5. A common look at the Equations for ICM, ICM  SE. InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM


ICM 2D and InfoSWMM 2D Equations

ICM 2D and InfoSWMM share the same computational engine as described on the Innovyze Blog
As the scheme is an explicit solution it does not require iteration to achieve stability within defined tolerances like the ICM 1D scheme or the iterative solution in InfoSWMM.  Instead, for each element, the required timestep is calculated using the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition in order to achieve stability, where the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition is

Saturday, November 14, 2015

New - Five Infiltration Options Now in InfoSWMM v14 and H2OMap SWMM v14 for Watershed Modeling

Infiltration from the pervious area is a marvelous and from a runoff volume and runoff peak perspective a vital process in modeling the hydrology and ultimately the hydraulics of your Watersheds.  Figure 1 shows the five options available in InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM after the version 14 update which was based on the EPA SWMM 5.1.010 release:
Storm cloud Horton
Storm cloud Modified Horton
Storm cloud Green Ampt
Storm cloud Modified Green Ampt
Storm cloud Curve Number
Not only can you have a different Infiltration option per Model Simulation but you can have different options for each scenario and even for individual Subcatchments in a Scenario (Figure 2).  In #InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM the Soil DB table (Figure 3) shows the individual parameters that apply to Horton, Green Ampt and Curve Number infiltration. The Modified Horton and Green Ampt have the same parameters as the Horton and Green Ampt Soil Types.  The Soil Coverage is specified in the Subcatchment DB Table or individually in the Subcatchment Attribute Browser (AB) as shown in Figure 4.  You can also see the infiltration losses for either multiple Subcatchments or for one Subcatchment across many scenarios using the Advanced Reference Graphics Analysis in Innovyze’s InfoSWMM and H2OMap SWMM (Figure 5).
Figure 1. Five Infiltration Options in the Run Manager
Figure 2. The Marvelous Scenario Explorer in Innovyze Arc GIS products allows you to customize the Infiltration Options per Scenario and Dataset.
Figure 3. A key to getting good infiltration results is defining the infiltration parameters in the Soil DB Table.
Figure 4. You can also define both your Soil parameters and Soil Coverage for each Subcatchment in the Attribute Browser.
Figure 5. The feature rich Output Report Manager allows complete customization of the graphs using other scenarios, calibration data and other other output elements.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Chapter 3 of RAH's (Robert Heinlein) Have Space Suit - Will Travel - Technical Writing Example

Chapter 3 of RAH's (Robert Heinlein) Have Space Suit will Travel, Scribner's Juvenile from the 1950's in which hero Kip in  great expository RAH style refurbishes a used space suit.  A great book along with A Door into Summer for a young engineer of any age.
""But I didn't get tired of it; a space suit is a marvelous piece of machinery-a little space station with everything miniaturized. Mine was a chrome-plated helmet and shoulder yoke which merged into a body of silicone, asbestos, and glass-fiber cloth. This hide was stiff except at the joints. They were the same rugged material but were "constant volume" -when you bent a knee a bellows arrangement increased the volume over the knee cap as much as the space back of the knee was squeezed. Without this a man wouldn't be able to move; the pressure inside, which can add up to several tons, would hold him rigid as a statue. These volume compensators were covered with dural armor; even the finger joints had little dural plates over the knuckles.
It had a heavy glass-fiber belt with clips for tools, and there were the straps to adjust for height and weight. There was a back pack, now empty, for air bottles, and zippered pockets inside and out, for batteries and such.
The helmet swung back, taking a bib out of the yoke with it, and the front opened with two gasketed zippers; this left a door you could wiggle into. With helmet clamped and zippers closed it was impossible to open the suit with pressure inside.
Switches were mounted on the shoulder yoke and on the helmet; the helmet was monstrous. It contained a drinking tank, pill dispensers six on each side, a chin plate on the right to switch radio from "receive" to "send," another on the left to increase or decrease flow of air, an automatic polarizer for the face lens, microphone and earphones, space for radio circuits in a bulge back of the head, and an instrument board arched over the head. The instrument dials read backwards because they were reflected in an inside mirror in front of the wearer's forehead at an effective fourteen inches from the eyes.
Above the lens or window there were twin headlights. On top were two antennas, a spike for broadcast and a horn that squirted microwaves like a gun-you aimed it by facing the receiving station. The horn antenna was armored except for its open end.
This sounds as crowded as a lady's purse but everything was beautifully compact; your head didn't touch anything when you looked out the lens. But you could tip your head back and see reflected instruments, or tilt it down and turn it to work chin controls, or simply turn your neck for water nipple or pills. In all remaining space sponge-rubber padding kept you from banging your head no matter what. My suit was like a fine car, its helmet like a Swiss watch. But its air bottles were missing; so was radio gear except for built-in antennas; radar beacon and emergency radar target were gone, pockets inside and out were empty, and there were no tools on the belt. The manual told what it ought to have-it was like a stripped car.
I decided I just had to make it work right.
First I swabbed it out with Clorox to kill the locker-room odor. Then I got to work on the air system.
It's a good thing they included that manual; most of what I thought I knew about space suits was wrong.
A man uses around three pounds of oxygen a day-pounds mass, not pounds per square inch. You'd think a man could carry oxygen for a month, especially out in space where mass has no weight, or on the Moon where three pounds weigh only half a pound. Well, that's okay for space stations or ships or frogmen; they run air through soda lime to take out carbon dioxide, and breathe it again. But not space suits.
Even today people talk about "the bitter cold of outer space"-but space is vacuum and if vacuum were cold, how could a Thermos jug keep hot coffee hot? Vacuum is nothing-it has no temperature, it just insulates.
Three-fourths of your food turns into heat-a lot of heat, enough each day to melt fifty pounds of ice and more. Sounds preposterous, doesn't it? But when you have a roaring fire in the furnace, you are cooling your body; even in the winter you keep a room about thirty degrees cooler than your body. When you turn up a furnace's thermostat, you are picking a more comfortable rate for cooling. Your body makes so much heat you have to get rid of it, exactly as you have to cool a car's engine.
Of course, if you do it too fast, say in a sub-zero wind, you can freeze- but the usual problem in a space suit is to keep from being boiled like a lobster. You've got vacuum all around you and it's hard to get rid of heat.
Some radiates away but not enough, and if you are in sunlight, you pick up still more-this is why space ships are polished like mirrors.
So what can you do?
Well, you can't carry fifty-pound blocks of ice. You get rid of heat the way you do on Earth, by convection and evaporation-you keep air moving over you to evaporate sweat and cool you off. Oh, they'll learn to build space suits that recycle like a space ship but today the practical way is to let used air escape from the suit, flushing away sweat and carbon dioxide and excess heat-while wasting most of the oxygen.
There are other problems. The fifteen pounds per square inch around you includes three pounds of oxygen pressure. Your lungs can get along on less than half that, but only an Indian from the high Andes is likely to he comfortable on less than two pounds oxygen pressure. Nine-tenths of a pound is the limit. Any less than nine-tenths of a pound won't force oxygen into blood-this is about the pressure at the top of Mount Everest.
Most people suffer from hypoxia (oxygen shortage) long before this, so better use two p.s.i. of oxygen. Mix an inert gas with it, because pure oxygen can cause a sore throat or make you drunk or even cause terrible cramps. Don't use nitrogen (which you've breathed all your life) because it will bubble in your blood if pressure drops and cripple you with "bends." Use helium which doesn't. It gives you a squeaky voice, but who cares?
You can die from oxygen shortage, be poisoned by too much oxygen, be crippled by nitrogen, drown in or be acid-poisoned by carbon dioxide, or dehydrate and run a killing fever. When I finished reading that manual I didn't see how anybody could stay alive anywhere, much less in a space suit.
But a space suit was in front of me that had protected a man for hundreds of hours in empty space.
Here is how you beat those dangers. Carry steel bottles on your back; they hold "air" (oxygen and helium) at a hundred and fifty atmospheres, over 2000 pounds per square inch; you draw from them through a reduction valve down to 150 p.s.i. and through still another reduction valve, a "demand" type which keeps pressure in your helmet at three to five pounds per square inch-two pounds of it oxygen. Put a silicone-rubber collar around your neck and put tiny holes in it, so that the pressure in the body of your suit is less, the air movement still faster; then evaporation and cooling will be increased while the effort of bending is decreased. Add exhaust valves, one at each wrist and ankle-these have to pass water as well as gas because you may be ankle deep in sweat.
The bottles are big and clumsy, weighing around sixty pounds apiece, and each holds only about five mass pounds of air even at that enormous pressure; instead of a month's supply you will have only a few hours-my suit was rated at eight hours for the bottles it used to have. But you will be okay for those hours-if everything works right. You can stretch time, for you don't die from overheating very fast and can stand too much carbon dioxide even longer-but let your oxygen run out and you die in about seven minutes. Which gets us back where we started-it takes oxygen to stay alive.""

Sunday, November 8, 2015

AI Rivers of Wisdom about ICM SWMM

Here's the text "Rivers of Wisdom" formatted with one sentence per line: [Verse 1] 🌊 Beneath the ancient oak, where shadows p...