Saturday, September 20, 2008

H2OMAP and InfoSWMM Sediment Transport Modeling

H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM Sediment Transport Modeling

Sanitary and combined sewer systems can carry substantial loads of suspended solids (waste solids) which can accumulate and cause blockages thereby impairing the hydraulic capacity of the sewer pipes (by restricting their flow area and increasing the bed friction resistance). H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM can simulate the transport and gravitational settling of (total suspended solids including grit) over time throughout the sewer collection system under varying hydraulic conditions. As long as flow velocity exceeds the critical/terminal velocity, H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM assumes that the sewage flow has the capacity to transport all incoming . Deposited  particles are also assumed to be scoured and transported downstream when velocity of the sewage flow exceeds the terminal velocity. Settling starts when flow velocity falls below the critical velocity. In the model, transport of thet particles is governed by advection implying that the particles are transported at local flow velocity. 

The sediment transport modeling using H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM  requires only few inputs, namely limiting flow velocity, particle settling velocity, and source node(s) and initial concentrations (in mg/l) at the source nodes. 

In order to specify the first two inputs (i.e., limiting flow velocity and particle settling velocity), the user should first select from the quality tab which in turn activates the editing tabs for particle settling velocity and limiting flow velocity. Specification of source node(s) and its/their initial concentration is similar to the method described above in relation to pollutant transport. The default values used by the model for limiting flow velocity and particle settling velocity are 2 ft/s and 0.1 ft/s, respectively.  User specified values over rid these default figures .
H2OMAP SWMM and InfoSWMM  deposition (in kg)  in pipes and  concentration (in mg/l) at manholes,  wet wells, and outlets are the outputs reported following successful simulation of  transport for a collection system.

Modified Basket Handle Cross Section Warnings

There is a rule in SWMM 5 that the depth cannot be less than half the bottom width for a modified basket handle(see below).  You always have to have a maximum depth less than 50 percent or 1/1 of the bottom width,  If you do not meet this criterion then the program will generate an invalid number warning.  This is the code from xsect.c that checks the validity of the cross section data:

    case MOD_BASKET:
        if ( p[1] <= 0.0 || p[0] <>
        xsect->yFull = p[0]/ucf;
        xsect->wMax  = p[1]/ucf;

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wave Of Sewage Flows Toward Tampa Bay

Wave Of Sewage Flows Toward Bay

Tribune photo by CANDACE C. MUNDY
Workers with Spectrum Underground Inc. work to repair a 20-inch sewage pipeline which broke in Town 'N Country this afternoon.
Published: September 13, 2008
TOWN 'N COUNTRY - Approximately 200,000 gallons of untreated sewage spilled into Sweetwater Creek on Friday afternoon, prompting a warning to residents along the creek to avoid the water, Hillsborough County officials said.
The spill occurred along Comanche Avenue just east of Hanley Road when a 20-inch sewage pipeline ruptured. The break was at a connection point to a section that had been replaced about eight weeks ago, officials said.
Because the work had been done so recently, it was under warranty, and the original contractor returned to fix the break, said Bill Bozeman, project manager for the county's water resource services. Bozeman did not know what caused it.
The fracture, reported by a passer-by at about 12:45 p.m., caused sewage to spill onto Hanley Road and ooze down Comanche toward the creek. The flow was contained two hours later. After five hours, a cloud of sewage still fogged the water along one of the creek's banks.
The section of Comanche where the spill occurred is home to a couple of businesses and a small strip of offices under construction. A narrow bridge over Sweetwater Creek leads to a neighborhood and to Sweetwater Organic Community Farm.
The farm does not rely on the creek for irrigation and the creek in that section is too shallow and choked with overgrowth in places for kayaking or swimming. County workers posted signs in English and Spanish notifying visitors of high bacterial levels and a health risk, telling them not to swim, wade or fish in the water.
Residents along the creek, which flows south to the Courtney Campbell Parkway area, are urged not to have any contact with the water for the next several days in the creek or the area where it flows into Tampa Bay.
While the contractor worked to repair the pipe, the county diverted the flow from nearby lift stations that serve the areas into tanker trucks.
The spill did not affect home use of water, Bozeman said.
The Water Resource Services staff will notify local and state environmental agencies, take samples and monitor the area where the spill occurred.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Manual de SWMM 5 en espanol

SWMM 5 View Variables

SWMM 5 View Variables

There are four types of graphical variables in SWMM 5: (1) Subcatchements, (2) System, (3) Nodes and (4) Links.  The SWMM 5 Hydrology binary graphics file consists of 21 view variables for each subcatcment simulation in SWMM 5.  The variables are:
Subcatchment Variables Description
      SUBCATCH_RAINFALL  rainfall intensity
      SUBCATCH_SNOWFALL snowfall intensity
      SUBCATCH_RUNOFF total runoff flow rate
      SUBCATCH_RUNOFF_IMPZero runoff flow rate from zero imp area feb 2007
      SUBCATCH_RUNOFF_IMP runoff flow rate from imp area feb 2007
      SUBCATCH_RUNOFF_Pervious runoff flow rate from pervious area feb 2007
      SUBCATCH_LOSSES total losses (infil)
      SUBCATCH_EVAP watershed evaporation loss
      SUBCATCH_DEPTH watershed depth
      SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW groundwater flow rate to node
      SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW_A1 groundwater flow rate to node
      SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW_A2 groundwater flow rate to node
      SUBCATCH_GW_FLOW_A3  groundwater flow rate to node
      SUBCATCH_GW_ELEV elevation of saturated gw table
      SUBCATCH_GW_THETA soil moisture
      SUBCATCH_GW_PERCOLATION aquifer deep percolation
      SUBCATCH_SNOWMELT watershed snow melt
      SUBCATCH_SNOWDEPTH watershed snow depth
      SUBCATCH_FREEWATER watershed snow depth
      SUBCATCH_COLD watershed cold content
      SUBCATCH_SNOWAREA watershed snow coverage
      SUBCATCH_UL soil thickness
      SUBCATCH_FTOT infiltration during an event
      SUBCATCH_FU current value of F
      SUBCATCH_FUMAX maximum value of F
      SUBCATCH_MOISTURE current soil mositure (less than porosity)
      SUBCATCH_IMD current IMD (Porisity - Moisture)
      SUBCATCH_IMDbyEvent IMD at the beginning of an event
      SUBCATCH_SAT  Flag for saturation (1 is saturated)
      SUBCATCH_INFIL_TIME GA infiltration time
      SUBCATCH_WLMAX current infiltration RATE
      SUBCATCH_NETPRECIP rainfall intensity
      SUBCATCH_BUILDUP pollutant buildup concentration
      SUBCATCH_WASHOFF pollutant washoff concentration
The SWMM 5 system binary graphics file consists of 25 variables on one line for each system variable simulated in SWMM 5.  The variables are:
System Variables Description
SYS_TEMPERATURE air temperature                   
SYS_WINDSPEED wind speed                        
SYS_RAINFALL rainfall intensity                
SYS_SNOWFALL snow depth                        
SYS_RUNOFF runoff flow                       
SYS_LOSSES evap + infil                      
SYS_EVAP evap                              
SYS_DWFLOW dry weather inflow                
SYS_GWFLOW ground water inflow               
SYS_IIFLOW RDII inflow                       
SYS_EXFLOW external inflow                   
SYS_INFLOW total lateral inflow              
SYS_FLOODING flooding outflow                  
SYS_OUTFLOW outfall outflow                   
SYS_STORAGE storage volume                    
SYS_CE continuity error for the basin    
SYS_ITERATIONS average iterations over the basin 
SYS_SNOWDEPTH snow depth                        
SYS_COLD cold storage for the basin        
SYS_SNOWMELT snowmelt for the basin            
SYS_RAINMELT rainmelt for the basin            
SYS_TS time steps during the simulation  
SYS_DWFLoad total K3 line DWF load            
SYS_WWFLoad total K3 line WWF load            
SYS_WWFLoadExtra agency extra WWF Load             

The SWMM 5 Node graphics binary file consists of 20 variables on one line for each junction/storage/outfall/divider  simulated in SWMM 5.  The variables are:
Node Variables Description
NODE_DEPTH water depth above invert                          
NODE_HEAD hydraulic head                                    
NODE_VOLUME volume stored & ponded                            
NODE_LATFLOW lateral inflow rate                               
NODE_IIFLOW total rdii inflow rate                            
NODE_UH1 total rdii inflow rate from UH 1
NODE_UH2 total rdii inflow rate from UH 2
NODE_UH3 total rdii inflow rate from UH 3
NODE_DWFFLOW total DWF inflow rate                             
NODE_INFLOW total inflow rate                                 
NODE_OUTFLOW total outflow rate                                
NODE_OVERFLOW overflow rate                                     
NODE_CE node ce                        
NODE_AREA node surface area              
NODE_DQDH node surcharge dqdh            
NODE_DENOM node surcharge dqdh            
NODE_ITERATIONS node iterations to this time step  
NODE_TIMESTEP node iterations to this time step  
NODE_CONVERGENCE node iterations to this time step  
NODE_QUAL         concentration of each pollutant                   

Link Variables

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Much Can You Learn From a Home DNA Test?

How much does your DNA determine your future? Our reporter has her DNA analyzed by three different labs, and shares every detail of the results... as well as how she copes with them.

read more | digg story

Friday, July 18, 2008

EMC Washoff in SWMM5

There are four steps to using EMC concentrations in your network:

1. Define your pollutant by adding a pollutant using the Data=>Quality=>Pollutant command:

2. Define the Land Use by using the Data=>Land Uses command or the Land Use Editor:

3. Define Buildup to be None by clicking on the None Tab:

4. Define the EMC Washoff concentration by clicking on the Washoff Tab:

This is where you would add a GW concentration
Zemanta Pixie


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hurricane Dennis Tampa 2005




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Papaya Bugs and Gators

Papaya Bugs and Gators in the Backyard

A bug on our backyard Papaya trees. The papaya trees survived but the frost of January 2008 killed many of the trees. They are growing back, however.

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Friday, July 11, 2008


PuddleBlog is the image history of one small to large puddle on an American Street:

What is Puddleblog, you ask? Puddleblog chronicles the epic journey of one puddle, bracing for an uncertain future.

It’s a blog. You know, for a puddle. Specifically, the puddle that graces the corner of Jay and Plymouth, a couple blocks east of the Manhattan Bridge. Maybe if this thing catches on we can think about including other qualified puddles.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Note now forwards to which forwards to one of the wonderful Ning social network sites.
Zemanta Pixie

Saturday, July 5, 2008

SWMM 3,4 to 5 Converter Interface

SWMM 3,4 to 5 Converter Interface
The SWMM 3 and SWMM 4 converter can convert up to two files at one time to SWMM 5. Typically you would convert a Runoff and Transport file to SWMM 5 or a Runoff and Extran File to SWMM 5. If you have a combination of a SWMM 4 Runoff, Transport and Extran network then you will have to convert it in pieces and copy and past the two data sets together to make one SWMM 5 data set.

The x,y coordinate file is only necessary if you do not have existing x, y coordinates on the D1 line of the SWMM 4 Extran input data set.

You can use the command File=>Define Ini File to define the location of the ini file. The ini file will save your conversion project input data files and directories.

You can use the command File=>Define Your Text Editor to define the location of the text editor program. The ini file will save your conversion project editor name.

You can get a copy of the latest SWMM 3,4 to 5 Converter Here..
Zemanta Pixie

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hydrology in Ecclesiastes

Hydrology in Ecclesiastes

1:5 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.

1:6 The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north;
it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according
to his circuits.

1:7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the
place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

This was a better description than in Aristotle.
Zemanta Pixie

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hurricane Ivan in Pittsburgh, 2004

 International Airport recorded the highest 24-hour rainfall for Pittsburgh, recording 5.95 in. of rain. NWS Pittsburgh Climate Data, August, 2004." Hourly Climate Data. Pittsburgh, PA. 21 June 2006.

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Zemanta Pixie

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spatial Step in SWMM 5

SWMM 3,4,5 uses a spatial step equal to the length of the link. Or, in terms of the 1D St. Venant Equation for the calculation of flow used in SWMM 5:

In which is the length of the conduit.

The program will calculate the cross sectional area, hydraulic radius top width and depth at the upstream, midpoint and downstream sections of the link. The link solution is pivoted on the midpoint cross sectional area in the dominant dynamic wave terms and

and the non-linear term in the dynamic wave equation uses the upstream and downstream link cross sectional areas. In the finite difference equation in SWMM 5 the pipe shown below would have one length but use the cross sectional information from the upstream, midpoint and downstream points of the link.

The bend in the pipe would be modeled using the "other" category of losses

Zemanta Pixie

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

SWMM 5 Tools

In the newest version of EPA SWMM (, there is a new feature of allowing for Add-ins and third-party tools. One such Add-in, the Microsoft Excel, can be very helpful for input data editing and model calibration.

1. To activate the Add-in
This process is detailed in pp. 141 of the EPA SWMM manual ( ... manual.pdf). Basically the user needs to go to "Tools->Program Preferences->Configure Tools" on SWMM main menu. Then in the pop-up "Tool Options" menu choose "Add." A "Tool Properties" window will pop-up, and the user can assign a name to the Excel Add-in for the "Name" field. For the "Program" field, the user needs to navigate to the location of the Excel executable file at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Excel.exe" (the file path may vary). Leave the "Working Directory" field as blank, and choose "INPFILE" macro for the "Parameters" field. Check both "Disable SWMM while executing" and "Update SWMM after closing."

After the above is set up, click OK and the Excel Add-in is registered in SWMM5. The Add-in tool is under the "Tools" menu. One important thing now is to go to "Tools->Program Preferences," and in the pop-up window check "Tab Delimited Project File."

2. Use the Excel Add-in
The SWMM5 input file by default is a tab-delimited .txt file. The user can view the file using Wordpad, but the editing is not very convenient, especially when it comes to calibration for a watershed with large number of subbasins. The Excel Add-in provides great relief for such operations.

Create a simple watershed model in SWMM, and then go to "Tools->Excel Editor (or whatever the user names the Add-in)." The input file for the watershed model is then displayed in tab-delimited format in Excel. In this environment, the user can edit the input data much easier (as compared to double-click each model component and key in the values in the Graphic User Interface). This becomes more apparent when the number of subbasins increases. When the editing is finished, close the Excel program, and then click "YES" or "OK" to all the pop-up windows. After that, the SWMM model interface pops back and the input parameters are updated.

So with this knowledge the model setup process can be much easier. In the initial model setup, the user may not bother to input any parameter values (i.e. subbasin area, width, slope, etc.). Instead, the model can be delineated and all components represented. Then the user can open the "Excel Editor" and copy/paste the model parameter values from another table of pre-created input parameter values (which is always the case). This process will totally by-pass the manually key-in of parameter values.

The second case of this feature applies is the model calibration. In a traditional way, suppose the user needs to change the value of depression storage for the impervious area. That means for a 30-subbasin watershed, the user needs to roam around the watershed and double-click 30 times to finish that single parameter change. Imagine if it takes five times to find the best value for that single parameter. With this feature, the user can open up the input file, set a depression storage value for the first subbasin, and then drag down for all the other 29 subbasins. Close Excel and go back to SWMM, and the updated model can be ran immediately.

Zemanta Pixie

Global Rainfall

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

QA/QC Version of SWMM 5

This is my explanation of the comments on on the blog about the CDM version of SWMM 5. It was purely a QA/QC testing program used in the code and data set migration of SWMM 4 to SWMM 5 during the years 2004 to 2007.

CDM version of SWMM5

CDM makes available their version version of SWMM5 for download and use. There's a few more options and the GUI element edit boxes have a lot more variable options. Otherwise, it looks, feels, and acts like the EPA version (from what I've have discerned).


Robert said...

This version is a QA/QC version of SWMM 5 that was used to more closely compare the SWMM 4 to SWMM 5 results using extra data variables.

Robert said...

It should not be used for modeling. You should use the EPA SWMM Web site to download the latest EPA SWMM version:

EPA SWMM 5 Calibration Files

The EPA SWMM 5 calibration file is only for comparing the following 12 internal variables graphically to either SWMM 4 results, monitored data or some other model results:
  1. Subcatchment Runoff
  2. Subcatchment Washoff
  3. Node Water Depth
  4. Link Flow Rate
  5. Node Water Quality
  6. Node Lateral Inflow
  7. Node Flooding
  8. Groundwater Flow
  9. Groundwater Elevation
  10. Snow Pack Depth
  11. Link Flow Depth
  12. Link Flow Velocity

The graph on your SWMM 5 screen can be saved either to the clipboard or an external file for further manipulation of the computed and observed (calibration file data) by using the commands
Edit->Copy To=>Clipboard=>Text or
Edit->Copy To=>File=>Text
Just remember that the computed variable value comes first in the text followed by the observed variable value. For example:
Link 1030 Flow
Series Elapsed Time (hours) Flow CFS
Computed 0.1667 0.0000
Observed 0.0167 0.0000

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Joys Of Non-Driving

Andrew Sullivan - SWMM 2008 - Stormwater Management Model
The Joys Of Non-Driving

22 Jun 2008 09:33 pm

It proves I'm not an American, I guess, but I still don't know how to drive, don't have a license and have managed to get to the age of 44 without missing one. Yes, the husband has to drive us all the way to Ptown each summer, but once I get here, even more than when I'm in DC, this sentiment by C.S. Lewis rings all the more true:

I number it among my blessings that my father had no car, while yet most of my friends had, and sometimes took me for a drive. This meant that all these distant objects could be visited just enough to clothe them with memories and not impossible desires, while yet they remained ordinarily as inaccessible as the Moon. The deadly power of rushing about wherever I pleased had not been given me. I measured distance by the standard of man, man walking on his two feet, not by the standard of the internal combustion engine. I had not been allowed to deflower the very idea of distance; in return I possessed "infinite riches" in what would have been to motorists "a little room."

The truest and most horrible claim made for modern transport is that it "annihilates space." It does. It annihilates one of the most glorious gifts we have been given. It is a vile inflation which lowers the value of distance, so that a modern boy travels a hundred miles with less sense of liberation and pilgrimage and adventure than his grandfather got from traveling ten. Of course if a man hates space and wants it to be annihilated, that is another matter. Why not creep into his coffin at once? There is little enough space there.

$4 gas? Maybe it will be good for us.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Data Set Backwards Compatibility

The SWMM 5 data input files are not backwards compatible with previous versions of SWMM - you cannot open a file created in v13 with a v11 GUI without getting messages about Options or features present in v13 but not present in v11. Not everyone looks at the C code but the new options are listed in the file enums.h with a version notation:


The good feature about this message is that it tells you what MAY be different between the two SWMM versions. For example, if you used Link Offsets in v13 then you will not have a valid model in SWMM 5.0.011. However, if you are not using a new option in SWMM 5.0.013 then you will have a valid backwards compatible SWMM 5.0.011 input data set.
Zemanta Pixie

Sunday, June 15, 2008

SWMM 5 GUI Compile Options

These are the Delphi 7 options that should be used to prevent the integer overflow problem from occurring when using the Zoom command. Overflow checking and any Debugging options seem to be the cause of the integer overflow problem.

A charming little rain garden shines on Mt. Washington

May 21, 2008

A charming little rain garden shines on Mt. Washington

A lovely little rain garden has showered a once blighted corner on Mt. Washington, a splash of green that its creators’ hope may become a catalyst for sprinkling similar projects around Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh’s Burt Hill dreamed up the idea pro bono as a way to expand the firm’s professional knowledge and investigate emerging environmental technologies for urban water runoff, explains Evaine Sing, graduate landscape architect. The project has become a labor of love on a 2,000 square foot parklet on the corner of Shiloh Street and Virginia Avenue.
Mt. Washington Community Development Corp., URA Mainstreets Pittsburgh Fund and Pittsburgh Public Works have assisted along the way and $10,000, labor and material donations were contributed by community members and local businesses including Shemin Nurseries and KMA/Landscape Forms.
“We wanted a project of our own that would work as a test kitchen for other projects and be a living example for our clients,” explains Sing. “We choose this site across from the CDC because we saw the potential for educating passersby on these sustainable methods.”
The park was subdivided into small ecosystems and plants were selected for their ability to absorb water and pollutants during rainstorms. Bioretention beds and vegetated swales will allow the garden to drain within 2 days, helping to absorb and prevent storm water runoff, explains Sing.
Other touches will include lighting, a plaza space, benches, stepping stones made from the recycled pavers, an electrical outlet for future concerts and a mural that will be created by Cory Bonnet.
“We’d love to see this kind of space happen more often in Pittsburgh, like 10,000 Rain Gardens in Kansas City, which has had an amazing impact on water quality and flooding,” adds Sing. “We hope the idea will spread.”
Writer: Debra Smit
Source: Evaine Sing, Burt Hill; Greg Panza, MWCDC

Image courtesy Burt Hill
Zemanta Pixie

AI Prompt for Generating a SWMM5 inp file with Rules

 Below is an example prompt you can use (in ChatGPT or any advanced language model that understands SWMM5 syntax) to generate a syntactical...